CIO Insider

CIOInsider India Magazine


Digital Transformation

Sanjeev Jain, Chief Information Officer, Integreon

We live in digital and hyper-connected world today. Technology has become part of daily routines. In the current environment,leaders must pay close attention to how their leadership is experienced and consider whether digital tools and technologies are making their companies’ key stakeholders including employees, consumers, and investors feel more valued. Digital transformation is not an option; it is necessary to escape the comfort zone, reinvent themselves and compete in this world overrun by technological advances.

Digital transformation is not a single project, but an organization-wide streamline that extends to the people, the operations, and the technology. Digital transformation is changing the way company conducts business. It’s about taking a step back and revisiting everything they do, from internal systems to customer interactions. A key element of Digital Technology is to understand the true potential of leveraging existing tools and technology.

Current Challenges
Poor onboarding processes and a lack of purpose built systems for onboarding and implementation projects are the most common underlying reasons for failed digital transformation projects. Skills sets plays very crucial role while implementing digital transformation. Seeking to boost productivity, efficiency and profit, many companies are seeking to implement digital transformation projects. Some projects involve sweeping changes that include automation of previously manual tasks, while others seek to replace older technology with newer, updated systems.

Some of the biggest transformation problems that we anticipate:
•Budget limitations
•Avery complex legacy structure

•Lack of knowledge around end users’ digital experience
•Absence of digital initiatives prioritization

Digital transformation makes organizations more agile. Adoption from the world of software development, businesses can increase agility with digital transformation to improve speed to market and adopt Continuous Improvement (CI) strategies. This allows for faster innovation and adaptation while providing a pathway to improvement. Having the right technology and tools that work together can streamline workflow and improve productivity. By automating many manual tasks and integrating data throughout the organization, it empowers team members to work more efficiently.

Seeking To Boost Productivity, Efficiency And Profit, Many Companies Are Seeking To Implement Digital Transformation Projects

The biggest advantages of digital transformation can enhance customer experience and company can provide quality services. Digital transformation means one can track metrics and analyze the data that they capture during digital marketing efforts. Using datadriven insights can help to understand customers better and rethink business strategies, assisting with better decision-making and evolving ways to higher return on investment.

Digital Transformation extends an excellent opportunity for unity throughout organization as leader build it on digital equivalence. Digital transformation can not only unlock efficiencies for each business function, but also deliver more seamless, insightful experiences for customers. This spans from email communications to user portals, digital products, and even the pace by which one can reach-out to new prospects. Digital transformation will certainly improve efficiency and profitability. Implementing right tools and technology that work together can streamline workflow and improve productivity. By automating many manual tasks and integrating data throughout the organization, it empowers team members to work more efficiently.

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