CIO Insider

CIOInsider India Magazine


From Roentgen's X-Ray to 3D Ultrasonic Holography: A Lot has Changed

Emmanuel Christi Das, Editor

One of the biggest advantages of the intermediary world of sciences is the invention as well as the development of some of the most ground-breaking technologies, instruments,and equipment that have led to massive improvements in the world of medicine. Diagnostic imaging, commonly referred to as radiology, is one of the most revolutionary innovations in the medical world. In the past 50 years or so, there has been a lot of changes in medical imaging technology. The field of radiology has risen to a place of prominence, and the vendor companies that lead the medical imaging industry have helped shape — and have witnessed - the evolution of the technology. Medical imaging technology goes back to the 18th and 19th centuries when Becquerel and the Curies and Roentgen discovered radioactivity and x-rays respectively. Both discoveries greatly improved the practice of medicine. The practical application of ultrasound in medicine was made possible by developments in the use of sound waves in mid-20th century, and then came the computers and the next thing you know, you are able to use a commercial solution that offers deep learning-based semi-quantitative perfusion and quantitative delayed enhancement analysis.

Some of the technology radiologists can use to shape their future is already available. New vendor-neutral systems have the potential to create a seamless data experience across departments and devices. These systems integrate with the Electronic Medical Record(EMR)to give physicians a holistic view of patient health. Intelligent radiology workflow software adds another layer of optimization, helping to promote efficiency and make sure patients receive the appropriate level of care in a timely fashion.

Imaging departments have steadily evolved to meet the challenges of modern health care systems. As providers shift from fee-for service care to value-based care, advanced diagnostic imaging technologies must evolve to better track and quantify the value of care. The requirements of an imaging professional are also evolving,as the health system seeks more insights from imaging services. To fully realize a value-based future,radiology departments need to become greater participants in the flow of information across the health care system. They need to consider the larger context of patient care to inform diagnoses and set priorities.

We at CIO Insider have took this month’s opportunity throw the limelight on such innovators who have patiently(no pun intended)ontributed to the diagnostics technology and in their own capacity transformed what looked impossible, to possible.
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