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Hardware and Networking Driving the IT Industry

Yogendra Singh, Head IT, Barista

Hardware and Network are the two major elements that constitute a computing system but Networking is known as a support layer to travel any kind of data and to establish communication between the two hardware’s. The software performance could directly benefit from the advancement of hardware, but it is also limited by the characteristics of the hardware. The development of data management and analysis systems largely benefits from the advancement of the hardware and software technologies.

IT Hardware and Networking is always one of the most well-established fields in technology, making it easier to plan ahead for advancement in your chosen career. It is also a very broad field that includes lot of specialized fields, such as cloud and virtualization in Morden technology.

These days as per industries demands for software performance also promote the advancements and innovations of hardware technologies. For data management and analysis systems, the hardware determines the performance limit of data access and query processing.

Simultaneously data transferring rate from one device to another is always a major concern, so industries demand to upgrade Networking devices performance also promoting the advancements and innovations in networking technologies.

Today hardware technologies are changing drastically. Specifically, the advent of high-performance processors and hardware accelerators, new memory technologies and a highspeed network are rapidly changing the base support for traditional data management and analysis systems and most of the business decisions are based on that analytic performance.

There is no doubt that the processing environment within the computer system becomes more and more complicated, and correspondingly, the data management and analysis systems might try to seek diversified ways to actively adapt to new situations.

Besides, the development of new storage technologies has also had a significant impact on processor technology.In addition to the local storage I/O bottleneck; the network I/O bottleneck is also the main performance issue in the data centre. Data management and analysis on modern hardware will become a new research hot spots field.

The new hardware will change the traditional computing, storage, and network systems and put a directly impact on the architecture and design

scheme of the data management and analysis systems.New hardware environments such as heterogeneous computing architectures, hybrid storage environments, and high performance network will surely change the base support of traditional data management and analysis systems. It will bring significant opportunities for thedevelopment of key technologies.

It’s almost safe to predict that the ongoing situation will inspire and speed up new hardware trends. The enhanced need for new solutions pushes companies and inventors to come up with new products.

Every year we see new technology trends that show a lot of promise about changing the world for good. This year, there has been a particular influence of the pandemic, which has pushed certain technologies ahead of others.

Following are the top ten latest trends required latest, high scalability hardware and faster network.

Organizations are investing much money to boost up hardware and network performance because they understand that data is the main pillar for any of the business and data processing and analytics are always on top of the technology layer

1.5G Penetration:
We are feeling an urgent need for reliable and fast connections given how quickly things are going digital. Many new innovations are dependent on this technology going mainstream. Given the excellent progress it has seen in the last few years, 5G will penetrate quickly in the developed nations.

2. Internet of Behavior:
The Internet of things is now an old concept; the new topic in town is the Internet of Behavior. Companies have already started tracking the behaviour of their customers and even employees. Finding the correct patterns, they are trying to push their sales and increase productivity.

3. Intelligent Process Automation:
The push for shifting to bots doing manual jobs is increasing every day. Using machine learning, artificial intelligence, companies are working on intelligent process automation to develop an intelligent bot that works on ‘if-this-then-that concepts to carry out various tasks.

4.Tactile Virtual Reality:
While virtual reality allows us to take ourselves to another location and see things, tactile virtual reality enables that experience by adding touch sensation. Combining several technologies like sensors, advanced optics, and human behaviour, this technology is literally breaking barriers.

5. Human Augmentation:
Medical science is seeing a lot of new innovations which are helping people live a better life. Through human augmentation, science can provide solutions to people with physical disabilities, bionics, and other sicknesses.

The industry and its products continue to undergo dynamic change. Software development continues to lag behind hardware, and its high cost is offsetting the savings provided by hardware.

The future of hardware is quite shaky because of the troubles between software and hardware computer engineers and now that software could not keep up with hardware, hardware may be declining as software will take over.

Organizations are investing much money to boost up hardware and network performance because they understand that data is the main pillar for any of the business and data processing and analytics are always on top of the technology layer.

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