How Cloud Computing Is Turning Out To Be A Great Tool For Pursuing The New Avenues Of Business Growth

The Vice President of VXL Software, Aditya is a technology leader with close to three decades of professional experience under his possession.
Cloud Computing is one of the major tools used in many sectors for various purposes such as Security, Data managing, Storing information, Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS), Test and development, Big data Analytics etc. Though, it has secured a well renowned place in the Indian as well as global market. Over a period of time, it has proven to the world about its importance. Cloud Computing is counted as one of the most effective and next-gen tools in the efficient growth of the businesses and infrastructure development of the country via several sectors.
Cloud Computing has attracted many industries mainly, Energy & Utilities industry, Energy cloud vendors, System integrators, Consultancy firms/ advisory firms, Professional service providers, Government agencies, Investor and venture capitalists. It offers businesses more than just a way to safely store data, increase efficiency, and reduce costs, but has substantial environmental benefits that are too many to ignore in an era where global warming and climate change are pressing issues. Cloud computing can save billions of dollars in energy costs and lessen carbon emissions by millions of metric tons. It not only helps businesses, but also helps in securing one’s personal information and supporting an individual’s privacy.
The current Pandemic has increased the value and importance of cloud computing. Cloud energy not only suits the commerce industries but also Healthcare stakeholders such as Hospitals, Pharmaceuticals and so on. The Cloud can help in effectively connecting and synchronizing the entire healthcare system – from hospitals to the dispensaries and medical consultants. It helps in bringing improvements in several process areas
such as in-house communication, procurement, payroll management, and disaster recovery, and inventory management of drugs as well as essential supplies. This allows collaborating and sharing data such as the patient’s condition between medical professionals, which enables them to offer better care without any delay. Hospitals and health systems are using cloud services to power a digital transformation, but pharmaceutical companies are using the cloud to revamp their business operations in even more fundamental ways.
This Pandemic has proved many businesses and individuals too that one simply works from home effectively if one has the proper tools to rely on their working experience. Remote working is an example of a business transformation that works on multiple levels. Cloud Computing serves the needs of individual employees, it provides businesses with new resilient and adaptive ways to engage with their ecosystem and deliver economic value and it serves the larger community by addressing public health needs. With these mutually supportive returns, the rapid pivot to remote working demonstrates stakeholder capitalism in practice.
Cloud Computing is quite flexible in nature and can contribute in many ways towards the growth of many sectors. Even the government utilizes it on a large scale such as for Disaster Recovery and management, Public Services, etc. Cloud computing is penetrating many areas because of its advantages. The high scalability, low maintenance efforts, enormous cost savings potential, and several other benefits make cloud computing also interesting in the e-Government segment. Especially, the increasing tightness of governmental budgets can benefit from cloud computing adoption, as the amount of IT expenditures could be decreased. There are many ways cloud computing can be utilized by the government. The Indian Public Sectors are too trying to adopt cloud computing on a large scale of work. Though it's not used on a large scale by Indian Government, it’s still under process.
The cloud can help in effectively connecting and synchronizing the entire healthcare system – from hospitals to the dispensaries and medical consultants
The major reason of cloud energy to be so popular within a short period of time is because of its ROI or cost effectiveness. With the capability of automatically turning on and off computers according to demands, cloud helps use hardware resources efficiently and intelligently. The Cloud providers have invested in advanced hardware technology and replaced equipment to offer improved performance with reduced power consumption. Developing in the cloud enables users to get their applications to market quickly. Hardware failures do not result in data loss because of networked backups. Cloud computing uses remote resources, saving organizations the cost of servers and other equipment.
Cloud computing, public or private, has become the platform of choice for large applications, particularly customer-facing ones that need to change frequently or scale dynamically. More significantly, the major public clouds now lead the way in enterprise technology development, debuting new advances before they appear anywhere else. Workload by workload, enterprises are opting for the cloud, whereas an endless parade of exciting new technologies invite innovative use.