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Stay Ahead of Challenging Times - the Saas Way!

Chetan Pathak, Executive Vice President, Tectura

According to The World Bank, Indian economy is likely to grow at 7- 7.7 per cent in 2017-18 and 7.8 per cent in 2018-19. India’s economy has become the world’s fastest growing economy in the recent years. However, the road ahead may not be as pretty. The external environment is very volatile and unpredictable. In 2016 we have witnessed events that could not have been forecast by experts. Indian organizations, whether large, medium or small, not only need to regain the lost demand from consumers due to demonetization, they further need to insulate themselves from future social-political-economical changes. Traditionally, Indian organizations have resorted to investing in Information Technology (IT) to achieve operational efficiency. India’s abundant resource pool available at low cost backed by IT has been the key to success in the past.

According to the latest forecast by Gartner, IT spending by Indian organizations will reach USD 72.4 Billion in 2017 up by 6.9 percent from 2016 estimated spending of USD 67.7 Billion. Software and IT services spending is projected to have the highest growth rates amongst the Indian organizations with demand for SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) leading the pact.

The SaaS Way!
Historically, companies were required to buy, build, and maintain their IT infrastructures despite huge capital expenditure. Traditional on premise solutions come with high entry and operational costs. SaaS (Software as a Service) has given the companies an alternative. Now, they can plug in and subscribe to services built on shared infrastructure via the Internet.

In comparison with traditional on premise software solutions, cloud based solutions provide reduced IT costs due to economies of scale, and reduced time and costs to upgrade software. This allows organizations to focus on core business rather than wasting time and labour in managing their traditional rigid and complex IT systems. In the current business environment wherein we all operate, one really can’t predict what new change is lurking round the corner. Hence, SaaS, with its flexible and agile IT infrastructure, gives organizations a fighting chance to quickly and effectively change gears as per the external environment. Leading IT giants like Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, and Salesforce have made huge investments to cater to the growing demand for SaaS. They occupy almost 50 percent of the global SaaS marketplace. SaaS offerings such as Microsoft’s latest cloud offering – Microsoft Dynamics 365 have already caught the fancy of Indian market.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 – The Unified Experience!
Microsoft Dynamics 365 brings together CRM and ERP functionality - integrated with other software like Office 365, Outlook, Exchange, Power BI and Cortana Intelligence, plus other Microsoft products – to provide a unified working experience across business processes. Worldwide studies have shown that up to 40 percent of working time is wasted by switching between applications. Globally a large percentage of organizations are already using Microsoft Technologies like Microsoft Office, Outlook, Exchange and will gain immensely with the unified experience offered by Microsoft Dynamics 365.

The Way Ahead
Indian organizations have survived many periods of uncertainty and volatility. However, in today’s challenging times, the magnitude, complexity, and pace of change has increased drastically, wherein each new change is bigger than the previous one. In times of uncertainty the key attribute that organizations desire is - flexibility to scale up and scale down.

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