| |December 201919 The industry touts the bene-fits of AI in IT infrastructure that bolsters cybersecuri-ty and optimizing storage capacity. What are the AI practices that Algomox ex-ercise for the IT infrastruc-ture of organizations?Our advanced AI techniques en-hance the efficiency of IT oper-ations and embrace a predictive approach towards monitoring, service management, and auto-mation. The Algorithmic IT Oper-ations (AIOps) methodology helps organizations to make better de-cisions and automate different IT process. It uses machine learning and deep learning techniques to manage and monitor the IT envi-ronment to collect log files, KPIs or Metrics to figure out the anom-alies and deviations from the nor-mal operations. It engages with the IT users to build a knowledge graph using graph technology. Moreover, we were able to build an intelligent cognitive bot, which can act as 24x7 IT support engineer and answer the queries of cus-tomers through the reference in knowledge graph. Please provide an example of one of your successful AI implementations in In-dia which has gained con-siderable benefit for the company.Algomox's AutoAI powered ser-vices for a retail banking organi-zation helped their data scientists and machine learning engineers in making better business predic-tions by augmenting their roles. Their team was able to derive im-mediate business value from ma-chine learning, barring the wait for months to write code and go through laborious trial and error to figure out which prediction model to use. The methods through which AI can be used to augment different levels of enter-prise functions will keep expanding. As a startup in the AI domain, what is the future blueprint of Algomox?Currently, we have been pivoting our business model. We are emerg-ing as an end-to-end leader in en-terprise AI space. With the pro-found AI knowledge, intellectual properties, end to end integrated acceleration platforms, and AI skills, we want to emerge as one of the best enterprise AI software and service companies in this world. Our current focus is India and the U.S, at the same time we are buckled up to expand across Europe and other regions. 10 MOST RECOMMENDED 2 019AI STARTUP
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