| |December 20198he workforce of the future will be an amalgamation of intelligent machines and humans working together. Dell Technologies along with Institute for the Future just released a report on the future of work following the previous engagement to forecast the Next Era of Human-Machine Partnerships. Together we observed a world that's brimming with opportu-nity. Emerging technologies have only continued to advance, driving human progress around the world and reshape society for the better.However, emerging technologies can also chal-lenge organizations grappling with change. Emerging technologies such as Artifi-cial Intelligence (AI), Extended Reality (XR), IOT, Edge and multimodal inter-faces are set to revolutionize work and create new ways to prepare and con-nect people to more rewarding ca-reers. These technologies will enable novel approaches to decision-making and collaboration throughout organi-zations to create more equitable work-places for people throughout the world. Forecasting the future of workEmerging tech-nologies such as Artificial Intel ligence (AI), Extend-ed Reality (XR), IOT, Edge and multimodal interfaces are set to revolutionize work and create new ways to pre-pare and connect people to more rewarding careers. These technologies will enable novel approaches to decision-making and collaboration throughout or-ganizations to create more equitable workplaces for people throughout the world. IFTF is forecasting three shifts that could help shape a more inclusive, empowering and rewarding work environment over the next decade: 1. Inclusive Talent - Human and machine partner-ships will create more equitable workplaces by eval-uating candidates based on their capabilities, rather than gender, age or class. They'll inform how to create optimal teams in the workplace, and help design incen-tives to increase productivity, morale and retention.2. Empowered Workers employ-ees will collaborate in entirely differ-ent, immersive ways using technolo-gies such as XR, empowering workers more than ever before. Real-time collabo-ration practices already embedded in gam-ing, coding and distributed commu-nities will cultivate greater, shared experiences with the ability to look, touch and interact with work together, in unison. Expert opinionIT AND THE WORKFORCE DRIVING ITBy Indrajit Belgundi, Senior Director, Client Solutions Group, Dell, IndiaTFor over 19 years, Indrajit has experience in business planning - interaction with important teams- Cost Panning , Pricing , Business Analyst , Demand & Supply , Engineering , Online Content , Marcom etc.Indrajit Belgundi, Senior Director
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