| |March 20208By Dr. R. Chandran , CIO, and Sudhadeep Sugunadoss, Head- Quality, Bahwan CybertekExpert OpinionAI THE PRIME MOVER FOR INDUSTRY 4.0Established in 1999, Bahwan CyberTek is a global provider of digital transformation solutions in the areas of Predictive Analytics, Digital Experience and Digital Supply Chain Management, and has been driving innovation through outcome-based business models, proven and powerful IP solutions. utomation and robotics provide the impetus for Industry 4.0, AR/VR, cameras and other sensors provide the senses and data &connectivity are its central nervous system. The real prime mover is AI.Industry 4.0Industry 4.0 refers to a new phase that focuses heav-ily on interconnectivity, automation, machine learn-ing, and real-time data. i.e., revolutionizing the way your entire business operates and grows. Industry 4.0 extents the complete product life cycle and sup-ply chain management--Requirement, Design, De-velopment, Quality, Sales, Schedule, Inventory and customer serviceWhy AI in Industry 4.0· More competitive, especially against disruptors · More attractive to the younger workforce. · Stronger and more collaborative team · Address potential issues before they become big problems. · Trim costs, boost profits, and increase efficiency· Better visibility across asset tracking accuracy, supply chain visibility, inventory optimization. And increased product quality· Richer and more timely analytics· Improve customer satisfaction and customer experience· Real-time inputs help to make better and faster decisions on day to day business operation· Real time observing of the operations on the pro-duction environment helps in providing idea on pro-duction schedule performances.AI's Impact on Industry 4.0Artificial intelligence's impact on AI can be orga-nized into following categories:a. Maintenance Predictive maintenance systems depend on AI technique to formulate predictions. Implementing predictive analytics in AI, allows to forecast and avoid production waste, by identifying areas of weakness and suggesting focused action items that reduce product defects and inefficiencies.A
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