| |July 20229Dr Patrick Wolfe, a data scientist at the Universi-ty College of London. It is key to turn these massive data streams from being a liability into a strength. The complex nature of the information created re-quires solutions capable of addressing data security, privacy and flexibility issues.Data Pooling: Data pooling refers to the integra-tion and sharing of data. For manufacturing compa-nies, merging data into one large pool has the capa-bility to create insights that could not be obtained from data relating to just a single operation.2: Predictive MaintenanceWhen repairs and maintenance are planned, it could save manufacturing companies 12 percent in cost savings, whereas a loss as much as 30 percent could be incurred when unplanned repairs occur.Real-time Condition Monitoring: Machine and sensor data can be catalogued and displayed in real time using Industry 4.0 software, which provides support for condition monitoring. Data visualisa-tion is not confined to the control station and can be accessed on any platform everywhere -- from tab-lets, smartphones, and bigger screens, both on the production floor and in the cloud.3: Augmented RealityAugmented reality (AR) is an enhancement of a re-al-time display using real images alongside com-puter-generated information. AR is associated with Industry 4.0 practices relating to smart manufac-turing and has tremendous potential to influence manufacturing industries. With augmented reality, challenges which arise with conventional 3D mea-surement can be eliminated.Potential Usage Scenarios: AR has numerous uses, involving different types of operations that can be executed on the factory floor -- manufactur-ing activities such as production, and support pro-cesses such as maintenance and training.· Operations: Any kind of operation which requires some step-by-step procedure can benefit from the adoption of AR -- installation, assembly and ma-chinery tool change.· Maintenance & Remote Assistance: AR is efficient at reducing execution times, minimizing human er-rors and sending the relevant performance analyt-ics to maintenance staff.· Safety Management: AR allows risk and safety of operators and equipment to be managed.· Design & Visualisation: AR provides tools that im-prove design, prototyping and visualization in the design phase.· Training: For companies where training is a crit-ical process involving many field technicians, AR-guided training can be effective at training staff, especially in the beginning where there is a learning curve.· Quality Control: AR support in quality control pro-cesses enables staff to determine if products meet manufacturing standards.4: Digital TwinA digital twin is a virtual copy of the factory or product parts to enable companies in performing simulation, testing, and optimization in a virtual environment before dedicating actual resources. The primary benefit of the digital twin is to provide a comprehensive outlook of the project at any time in the entire span of a product lifecycle. Moreover, it allows collaboration across different departments, and even outside the organization.There is a distinction between AR and VR; in that AR relates more to smart manufacturing as it more connected to the physical world. The digital twin ap-proach is built on three foundations -- a physical For manufacturing companies, merging data into one large pool has the capability to create insights that could not be obtained from data relating to just a single operation
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