| |MARCH 20198n past more than two decades, the land-scape of technology has changed com-pletely and has opened new frontiers which no one ever thought of a decade back and what was thought, a decade back no-more exists; Big data Analytics has taken a prominent place in all business for it to survive.With IoT devices connecting worldwide the so-phistication of cyber security threats, and the at-tacks has also multiplied with the complexity of IT networks. Traditionally and technically, the tech-nologies and security tools that have been used to mine data and prevent cyberattacks have been more reactive than proactive and secondly have also cre-ated a large number of false positives, creating in-efficiencies and distracting from actual threats. What's more these traditional tools do not have the bandwidth required to deal with the large volumes of information.In comparison, the power of big data analyt-ics has given give cyber security professionals the ability to analyze data from various data sources in-cluding data types and then respond in real time by not only able to gather information from a vast uni-verse but it is also able to connect the dots between data, making correlations and connections that may have otherwise been missed. This increased effi-ciencies for cyber-crime professionals and casts a wider more reliable net when it comes to thwarting cyber-attacks.Big data analytics comes out with a must-have component of any effective cyber security solution due to the need of fast processing of the high-veloci-ty, high-volume data from various sources to discov-er anomalies and/or attack patterns as fast as pos-sible to limit the vulnerability of the systems and increase their resilience. Even though many big data analytics tools have been developed in the past few years, their usage in the field of cyber security war-rants new approaches considering many aspects in-cluding (a) unified data representation, (b) zero-day attack detection, (c) data sharing across threat detec-tion systems, (d) real time analysis, (e) sampling and dimensionality reduction, (f) resource-constrained data processing, and (g) time series analysis for anomaly detection.Cyber AnalyticsWith the emergence of `Internet of Things' and bil-lions of connected devices has created an ever larg-er surface for cyber attackers to exploit, which re-quires more fast, accurate detection of those attacks to quantify. The developments in mobile computing, communications and mass storage architectures in Expert opinionBIG DATA ANALYTICS: EXPLORING A STRATEGIC ASSET IN BUILDING CYBER ANALYTICS By Vishal Sinha, President and CIO, Tranzlease Holdings (I) Pvt. LtdITZL was established in 2006 in recognition of opportunities - a growing Indian automobile industry, a lifestyle seeking corporate executive and a true demand to have an automobile financing solution that reduces the overall cost of ownership. The company is on a mission to create an Automobile Lifestyle for the customers through innovative, cost effective, transparent financing & leasing solutions along with a complete range of related products/services on a tech enabled 360-degree solution platform
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