| |July 20228THE HIGHS & LOWS OF CURRENT CYBERSECURITY SCENARIOBy Mayuresh Purandare, Head IT - Infrastructure & Security, MaricoMayuresh is an IT Transformation Lead with over 15 years of experience in the field, working closely with various Business Stakeholders for their Digital Transformation.ccording to re-search by the Data Security Council of India (DSCI), In-dia's cyber securi-ty industry nearly quadrupled in size during the pan-demic, with revenues from cyber security goods and services rising from $5.04 billion in 2019 to $9.85 billion in 2021. At the same time, despite continuing talent short-ages, India's cyber security work-force grew from 110,000 personnel in 2019 to 218,000 in 2021. Howev-er, it is not just the giant suppliers propelling the sector forward. The cyber security startups and SMEs in India snowballed as well. India's cyber security market is dominat-ed by security services, with firms leveraging their global skills and experience to deliver transforma-tive and platform-based services. Service firms have ingrained se-curity into their DevOps process-es, from consultation to imple-menting and monitoring security controls and frameworks to secure their customers' and end-user data and privacy. To better serve their clients, they have also expanded their global footprint and opened security operations centers, cyber defense centers, and research and development centers throughout the world. Diving deep into the current and future market trends and cyber laws, Mayuresh Puran-dare, Head IT ­ Infrastructure & Security, Marico, shares key in-sights of the Indian cybersecurity market with CIO Insider. Could you mention a few developments fueling the growth of the cybersecurity market today?The vast talent pool in India is being groomed into cybersecu-rity. Further, Veterans from the industry are setting-up their own startups and creating solutions for niche markets. Additionally, cy-ber security startups are starting special services for other startups, pooling in fintech companies that have to face cybersecurity regu-lations, among others. Although the latter may take pride in busi-ness ideas, they seldom stomach compliances. Hence, with cloud adoption, startups are helping new startups to set-up governance frameworks.AExpert OpinionMayuresh Purandare, Head IT - Infrastructure & Security
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