| |SEPTEMBER 20219(iv) the operation allows the robot to be used for dif-ferent shifts.Robotic Automation has found its way into many different areas in manufacturing. Robots perform tasks like welding, assembly, shipping, handling raw materials, and product packing. More and more man-ufacturers are leveraging robotic automation for a wider number of applications.Although the robots offer certain advantages still manufacturers are skeptical and would like to get answers to: are robots too expensive for our business? Is our business too small to make use of robotics? Are robots difficult to program and operate? Will robotics cost human workers their jobs?The simple answers to all these questions are "No."Robotic automation can be used across industries by many types and sizes of manufacturing business-es. The advantages include saving money & time, less installation time and cost, make up state-of-the-art facilities, quality enhancements and regulated safe-ty standards that translate to savings on labor costs and unscheduled downtime, and also 24/7 operation, increasing production and minimizing downtime. The Modern Robots When it comes to robots, it's important to look into the progress it brings into a manufacturing operation. The modern robots can be used in low- to medium-vol-ume manufacturing environments. Thanks to the re-cent advancements, they can be programmed and set up for new tasks quickly. The modern robots are easier to program, which increases its usability even more. Needless to say, robotic automation offers manufac-turers growing opportunities to save on costs, enhance production, and remain competitive. THE ADVANTAGES INCLUDE SAVING MONEY & TIME, LESS INSTALLATION TIME AND COST, MAKE UP STATE-OF-THE-ART FACILITIES, QUALITY ENHANCEMENTS AND REGULATED SAFETY STANDARDS THAT TRANSLATE TO SAVINGS ON LABOR COSTS AND UNSCHEDULED DOWNTIME, AND ALSO 24/7 OPERATION
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