| |June 20217162236382632CIO speaksCxO speakslast CommentIoT-Enabled Automobile Battery (IAB) for Business Value CreationEmpowering Mobile Network Operators with Wireless TechnologyThe Benefits of Cloud Email SecuritySecurity at the Initial LevelConvergence of Automation, IoT & AI-ML Helping CXOs to Accelerate Digital TransformationHow CDN Companies Are Meeting The Demands Of OTT Platforms During Pandemic CrisesSandip Pradhan, Chief IT, Exide Industries LimitedChristos Karmis, President & CEO, MobilitieMurali Urs, Country Manager India, Barracuda NetworksAshok Tiwari, Head IT Operations, Varroc Lighting Systems IndiaAkilur Rahman, CTO, ABBAshwinRao, Director, Limelight Networks, IndiaCONTRIBUTORS1434Company of the Month Virendra Dhabale, Co-Founder and CEO, EcoCosmo GPSChintan Shah,Founder & CEO, Micra Infotech Solutions
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