| |August 20198he corporate world is embracing a large scale innovation. This is primarily driven by the latest technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Blockchain. The deluge of the change is coming very fast like never before. This paradigm shift needs a broad-based change in the business model within a company. To begin with, the culture of the organization needs to alter to the new requirements and employee's mindset needs to be reset. Simple jobs will be automated and will disappear rapidly. Only jobs remaining for the humans to perform will be the complex ones. Education and experience are the two pillars on which most of the employees build their career. These two pillars will have a very short expiry date in the new structure, where one will find that their worth in the organization is eroding very fast. Many CEOs boast that people are their biggest assets and differentiator. These assets will start to depreciate GETTING READY FOR SMART AND INTELLIGENT ORGANIZATIONCXO LEVEL INTERVENTION WOULD BE NEEDED TO MAKE SURE THAT THE DATA IS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE RIGHT USER, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHO POLITICALLY OWNS THE DATAexpert opinionBy Rajiv Vaid, VP & Global Head - Operations Strategic Accounts, TCSTRajiv has over 26 years of experience of which 18 years with Citibank in Japan and India. Currently, He is with TCS as Global Head of Operations Strategic Accounts, Business Process Services from 2014.
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