| |September 201819Aosta powerfully streamlines the requirements of the client companies with Aosta's consultation, managed services and insurance armstivity while assisting in quality assurance for healthcare organi-zations and patients. Besides the BackBone HIMS, Aosta also pro-vides BackBone LIMS, Pharmacy, EMR and KPO. For than more than a decade, BackBone HMS Solutions has been successfully deployed in medium sized hospitals to large multi-spe-ciality hospitals. BackBone In-tegration Layer is architected to accommodate integration with industry standard protocols. Data seamlessly flows to and from BackBone HMS with Lab Equip-ment's, PACS Systems, Biometric Systems, Building Management Systems, ICU Charting Solutions and other 3rd party systems. Aosta has a dedicated R&D team that in-tegrates various ways to system-ize and automate workflows there-by reducing manual data entry and errors. With over 25 modules, the modules are tightly integrat-ed with security features making it HIPAA and HL7 Compliant. In the new version of BackBone, Pa-tient Registration and payment at a hospital can be done, by the pa-tient, on their mobile device there-by reducing the time at the regis-tration counters. Patient and Doctor Oriented PlatformsAosta's introduction of patient por-tals has brought in large volumes of data transactions. The system is built on a robust platform to han-dle large volume of data and trans-actions in a well secured manner. Patient related details like basic demographics, diagnostic re-cords, prescriptions, bill details, biometrics and insurance data can all be saved digitally in the system for future reference. These stored patient related records can be accessed by various stake hold-ers in the hospital for clinical and administrative activities.Patient Portal is a cloud ready application that is easily accessed by the patients from anywhere and anytime. Being integrated with each of the HMS modules, it can be used by the patients to book their appointments, check their previous visits, download test re-sults, keep a track on the next fol-low up visit and soon will have a virtual consultation through the video chat functionality. Patient portal being robust and reliable, enhances the trust of the patients towards the hospital and there-by improves the patient-hospital relationship which is a good sign of development for any hospital. While patient-focused platforms are usually doing rounds, Aosta with its doctor-centric products has stepped the Healthcare solu-tions' meaning a little further. Implementation and usage in a hospital by Doctors in India has been a constant challenge. Aosta has constantly fine-tuned the user interface of the Physician's desk-top making it simple to navigate without compromising the fea-tures required. In one of the hospi-tals, with more than 100 + Doctors using the system, 78 percent of the hospital orders and prescription is online. The top Management's thrust to go digital and constant motivation has made this possi-ble.Management Oriented PlatformBackBone's Mobile Dashboard is a BI tool for the management to track the real time performance of the hospital across various di-mensions which results in poten-tial decision making. Being cloud ready, it can be accessed from anywhere anytime. The system's data management helps the hos-pital to increase its revenue and patient count by facilitating the patient follow ups.Aosta with its strong expertise as Healthcare Solutions Company has perfected their products to achieve 85-90 percent of fitments to any size of hospitals. Beyond these features, Aosta also provides consulting and managed services to clients in growth markets like Africa and far East for better po-tential. Aosta has also built its presence by partnering with a Mi-cro Insurance firm in Kenya to set up their EMR and HIS platform in cloud to cater to a cluster of clinics in Nairobi and nearby counties. Such creative and innovative ideas are providing a unique ser-vice combining the inherent do-main knowledge that Aosta pos-sesses in healthcare and IT. All these aid in extending the curve to Health insurance companies and hospitals that are likely to build intelligent BI platforms based on the data processed. C I10 MOST RECOMMENDED SOL UTION PR O VID ER S-2 018HEALTHCARE COMPLIANCE
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