| |September 20209of predictive analytics steps into the picture to strengthen cyberse-curity readiness for enterprises.Predictive Analytics: What is it, and How it is Reinvent-ing Enterprise SecurityAs the name suggests, predictive analytics is essentially a coming to-gether of various cutting-edge tech-nologies. It combines AI's massive computation power with machine learning algorithms, data min-ing and analytics, and predictive modelling to proactively identify trends and developments, as per customisable parameters.In the context of cybersecu-rity, this translates into the abil-ity to collect and analyse huge volumes of data in order to gain key insights in the global threat landscape, such as attack patterns and trends.How does this help mod-ern-day enterprises? To begin with, unlike traditional security measures which identify threats through static signatures, predic-tive analytics-led security solu-tions allow organizations to ini-tiate proactive threat hunting. By doing so, enterprise can anticipate relevant threat vectors and en-hance the security profiles of their IT infrastructures to patch any ex-isting vulnerabilities that might otherwise be exploited. This is of singular importance in today's in-creasingly BYOD-led workspaces.Moreover, such solutions can actually self-learn to iteratively become better over time, provid-ing more accurate insights as they process more data. They also have the capability to continually mon-itor all activity and information flow across the entire IT stack. This allows anomalies and breach-es to be detected in real-time, leading to much faster response and remediation of prospective threats and drastically brings down the impact that a breach might have on the organization's business operations.Predictive analytics can also automate much of the workload typically managed by in-house security teams, such as collect-ing, collating, and compiling the raw data from across the entire enterprise IT stack. This leaves IT managers freer to pursue more value-added business objectives, as well as to make strategic se-curity-oriented interventions wherever necessary.The Way Forward Given the benefits that it delivers, it would not be an exaggeration to say that predictive analytics is rapidly becoming a must-have tool in the larger enterprise cybersecu-rity approach. It enables organiza-tions to take greater control of their own security profiles and helps them become more efficient at safeguarding their critical en-terprise resources and data. With the global threat landscape evolv-ing at an alarmingly unprecedent-ed pace, predictive analytics holds the key to redefining cybersecuri-ty as we know it. Businesses must acknowledge this shift in existing paradigms and equip them-selves with the tools that will pro-tect them from ever-evolving threats within the cyberspace. Dr.Sanjay Katkar, Joint Managing Director & CTOTHREATS AND VULNERABILITIES THAT LED TO THESE BREACHES SEEM GLARINGLY OBVIOUS IN HINDSIGHT
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