| |June 20208rtificial always im-itates and is substi-tute. It's obvious that an artificial product would be more appealing but can they perform or outweigh a nat-ural product? Although the same word "artificial" when pooled with human intellect or "intelligence" in a form of technology is proving to be a better exhibiter, more agile, capable to handle humungous data a better performer.Intelligence can be defined in many ways: the logical aptitude, self-awareness, emotional aware-ness, reasoning, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving. An ability to acquire and apply knowl-edge and skills made or produced by human brain comes within the domain of AI.It's estimated that each person on an average curate or use 1.7MB of data in every second. A decade back hardly some wired and un-wired device were connected. To-day all the limits have been broken to build a network of "anything" or "everything". Imagine a device which can't be sensed or tapped for collecting information.Evolution of AIDevelopment of computer sys-tems is to facilitate or perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, as· visual perception,· speech recognition,· decision-making,· and translation between languagesHumans have always fancied in building products or solutions which brings affluence. Abacus to calculator to computer all of them are befitting examples. Humans then created a technology that al-lows computers and machines to function in an intelligent manner. "Artificial Intelligence", its objec-tive was to create Expert systems and to Implement Human Intelli-gence in Machines.What Necessitates AIResearchers in artificial intelli-gence are harnessing the explo-sion of digital data and compu-tational power with advanced algorithms to enable collaborative and natural interactions between people and machines that extend the human ability to sense, learn and understand.Communication is an influ-ential aspect of human life. The developments in communication are as inherent as the expansion of humankind. Contemporary technologies are altering the mode of human communication hence becoming a major influencer be-hind its advancements. Due to ex-pansions in 'Artificial Intelligence' (AI) and in the 'Internet of Things/Everythings' (IoT/E), the conserva-tive forms of communication are rapidly becoming obsolete.Expert opinionBy Ajay Kumar Jha, Ex General manager IT, Reliance Communication InfrastructureAAn Alumni of IIM Kozhikode and Life Member of Leaders Excellence-Harvard Square, Ajay has over 22 years of experience in managing and leading technical, operational and product delivery initiatives for large organizations. Ajay has immense domain knowledge and expertise in information technology and telecommunications domain.FACIAL ART OF INTELLIGENCEAjay Kumar Jha
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