| |DECEMBER 202362214281608091030expert opinionlast CommentIntelligent AutomationCIEM: The New Age Security Solution for Cloud ComputingWill the 5G Journey be a Game Changer for India Inc.?10 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRENDS THAT WILL EMPOWER A THRIVING WORKFORCE IN 2024THE US, BRITAIN, A DOZEN COUNTRIES SIGN AGREEMENT ON MAKING AI 'SECURE BY DESIGN'GOOGLE TO INVEST IN INDIAN AI COMPANY COROVER.AIDigital Ecosystem BuildRule the Data Democracy with an Intelligent Marketing SuiteSudhir Kanvinde,Chief Information Officer,The Supreme IndustriesArun Kumar,Senior Architect,CES, BrillioHarnath Babu,CIO & Partner,KPMG, IndiaSrivaths Varadharajan, Chief Operating Officer,Global Fintech & Digitech EvangelistRaahul Seshadri,Director - Engineering, WebEngageCXO SPEAKSTechMintTechBuzzCONTRIBUTORS
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