| |September 20188INDUSTRY 4.0 & SUPPLY CHAIN TRANSFORMATIONBy Jasjit Sethi, CEO, TCI Supply Chain SolutionsTCI Supply Chain Solutions is a Single Window enabler of Logistics and Supply Chain solutions encompassing all the needs of a value seeking progressive client right from `conceptualization to implementation'.D isruptive innova-tions, powered by Industry 4.0 are currently chang-ing the landscape of many industries and their business models. Because of the increasing digitalized pro-cesses and an exponential growth of sensible data, supply chains are also impacted by the fourth in-dustrial revolution. The fourth in-dustry revolution is marked with real-time exchanged data, automa-tion, robotics, cloud, artificial intel-ligence (AI), connected devices and equipment (Internet of Things), and augmented reality to connect innovation, new technologies, and humans.Similarly, in the field on logis-tics, the fourth industrial revolu-tion coined as, Logistics 4.0 has re-cently emerged as a move to smart transportation and logistics, en-hanced sales and operations plan-ning (S&OP), and dynamic logistics network configuration.Technology Revolution in the Supply Chain Industry:Behind the great potential of the digital supply chain (DSC) lies In-dustry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution. A transformation in production and automation was brought on first by steam and wa-ter power (Industry 1.0), then by electrification (2.0), and more re-cently by the digital computer (3.0). Industry 4.0, digitization, is about companies orienting themselves to the customer through e-commerce, digital marketing, social media, and the customer experience. Ul-timately, virtually every aspect of business will be transformed through the vertical integration of research and development, man-ufacturing, marketing and sales, and other internal operations, and new business models based on these advances. In effect, we are evolving towards a complete digital ecosystem.Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Supply Chain:With the evolution of industry 4.0, digitalization & automation has become the most important fac-tor in the industry. There has been automation & digitalization in all aspects of business right from the working culture to manufacturing processes to overall business strat-Industry 1.0· Invention of mechanical pro-duction powered by water & steamIndustry 2.0· Massproduction with machines powered by electricity & combustion en-gines· Introduction of assembly linesIndustry 3.0· Electronics, IT & industrial robotics for advanced auto-mation of produc-tion processesIndustry 4.0· Digital Supply Chain· Smartmanufacturing· Digital prod-ucts, services & busness models· IOTWay Forward· Flexible & inte-grated value chain networks· Virtualized pro-cesses· Virtualized cus-tomer interface· Industry Collab-orationFig: The Journey towards Industry 4.0expert opinion
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