| |June 20181910 MOST RECOMMENDED SOL UTION PR O VID ER S 2 018ROBOTICS AUTOMATIONArcee has implemented quality inspection of the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) engraved on the vehicle chassis, for one of the auto majorsPartner, Arcee Automations, who looks after the company's R&D, Design & Quality Control.Intense Innovation Sur-rounding Vision Inspection TechniquesHaving worked with large mul-tinationals dealing in assembly tracking systems with part num-bers or sub assemblies, Arcee Auto-mations provides a wide range of solutions; (Both PC and Firmware based) starting from data scan-ners to Vision Inspection Systems (Robots and Non Robot based) at various level of sophistication, to monitor and inspect such parts as the units pass through the as-sembly. Also this production level Business Intelligence is well inte-grated with multiple production houses at finished product level using centralized, database sys-tem. Arcee Automations has devel-oped MultiCode, a Track and Trace solution for reading multiple Dot-Matrix Codes in a single scan , which has been installed at more than 100 customer locations. In order to encourage smaller manu-facturing units to implement Ma-chine Vision based inspection sys-tems in their production facilities, Arcee Automations has also devel-oped an inhouse product called `VisCheck', to be launched soon. Given that Vision Guided Ro-botics and Robot Based Inspec-tion Systems find applications in diverse industries, Arcee has so far largely worked with the au-tomotive sector due to its large local customer base. In this seg-ment, the current demand is to implement the solutions on local production lines that are similar to the ones present on production lines which have been brought in from overseas earlier. As is with Arcee's approach towards innova-tion, the company has invested a significant amount in its R&D on various aspects of vision inspec-tion techniques and tools. The in depth understanding of Image Processing along with Data Sci-ence coupled with the Multi dis-ciplinary Engineering expertise with industrial experience have positioned Arcee Automations in an exclusive place to provide solu-tions that suit the client-specific needs. In a recent venture, Arcee has implemented quality inspec-tion of the VIN (Vehicle Identifi-cation Number) engraved on the vehicle chassis, for one of the auto majors. This system uses state of the art 3D imaging techniques. For this particular project, con-ventional imaging techniques were of no use as the engravings are 3D and therefore color contrast between the background and the area of interest meant nothing. Arcee Automations impressed the auto client with their approach and implemented the solution on three different lines.All this goes on to show that Ar-cee has done a significant amount of R&D on various types of algo-rithms, odometry and ensemble of algorithms. Arcee Automations emphasizes on vision guided ro-botics solutions such as applica-tion of geometry, stereo, structure from motion, motion understand-ing, activity analysis, optical flow, modeling object relations, articu-lation, odometry and analogy to encode relations across multiple images and transmit to move-ments. Latest advances in vision technologies opened industrial ro-botics to various new application areas that were not feasible earlier. More so, Arcee Automations's wide expertise in machine vision in Non Robot areas will add value in that angle in the years to come. C I
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