| |February 20239cation within a single platform. This will emerge as a major trend in the EdTech area.3. Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) will come to the forefront The concept of zero trust (ZT) has been circulating for several years, however with work from anywhere and recent advanced and persistent cyber attacks post pandemic, has brought the need for implementing zero trust architectures (ZTA) to the forefront. Many countries are working with regulatory body to get ZT adoption into the timeframe - making it mandatory especially for BFSI/public sectors across the regions. 4. 5G & IoT to Compel Businesses to Strate-gize Real-Time Data CollectionWith the introduction of 5G and the integration with IOT, workplaces will have tons of data to monitor and manage. Every individual will be empowered by their skill sets and knowledge plus a new constantly grow-ing set of requirements that will make it impossible to persist only through existing sets of experience. Businesses will need a strategy for real-time data col-lection, or they will miss out on the real-time analytics' intelligent twins (5G and IoT) can provide. For exam-ple, investment in sensors and IoT devices to collect data, and the tools to prepare, analyze, and visualize the massive amounts of information gathered that successfully created this next-generation workforce to support a new way of working in the post-pandemic era. Industries will need to focus on Healthcare, Tel-cos, Manufacturing, Agri, Automotive and more. 5. Everything will go to the cloud, if not al-readyThere are still businesses around the world with on-premises data centres, but they are moving steadi-ly toward the cloud, be it private cloud, zero-trust sovereign cloud, or public cloud (usually deployed as a multi-cloud solution). This trend comes with some challenges for businesses and some threats, the big-gest of these is the explosive increase in cyber security risk. Because cloud computing enables IoT and Work from Home, network security is a completely differ-ent game today. A very few numbers of companies will have the capacity to monitor their own networks effec-tively and so the industry will witness a growing num-ber of contracts for secure access edge services. This prediction is seen to be already taking shape by sever-al corporations and government requiring zero-trust architectures, and we are bound to see more of this.6. Rise in Global Command Centre (GCC) and DaaSOrchestrating the digital transformation is proving difficult for companies and so the industry is witness-ing an increase in demand for support, including Digi-tal Infrastructure Management Services. Another area with a very high growth is the rise of a Global Com-mand Centre (GCC) with NOC -SOC Provisions. As cor-porate data moves through disparate legacy systems, security has become a major area of concern. We will be seeing more GCC and Desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) offerings in 2023, which gives the company more con-trol over what data is sent to which authorized users and devices.7. More companies will harness AI's cogni-tive powerSeveral new technologies are going to make it easier for some companies to harness and make better use of their data. IoT is making it easier than ever to harvest information and 5G will make it faster than ever. But it is the new cognitive services that will prove to be excit-ing in 2023. We are going to see more AI and ML adop-tions, empowered by these new technologies. This is exciting because it won't just be the very large enter-prises that benefit from this, but even the smaller companies will have access to better tools to make de-cisions that will allow them to compete effectively with larger firms. While no predictions are completely accurate, I believe these are the top 8 tech trends which businesses should be cognizant of the ecosystem is rapidly evolving, and we will see few wildcards now and then disrupting the applecart. EdTech would support and enable universities to manage these hybrids and short-term online courses
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