| |AUGUST 20219platforms, designed with microservices, packaged in containers, deployed on elastic cloud infrastruc-ture and managed through DevSecOps workflows will proliferate. There will be surge of low-code and no-code platforms in coming days. The evolving cloud-native landscape is set to deliver increased efficiency, development velocity and resiliency embracing build once, deploy anywhere, manage consistently philosophy. 3. Exploiting Exponential TechnologiesA business-driven data strategy should be an inte-gral part of hybrid cloud architecture. Hybrid Cloud platform will democratize data with AI / ML unlock-ing the value of data for predictable results. Business processes will be redesigned through AI / ML, RPA, Blockchain and IoT to deliver Humanized experience, self-aware operations.4. Automated Multicloud Orchestration And Management Hyper-automation augmented by Exponential Tech-nologies is a game changer for Multicloud Orchestra-tion and management. 2021 will see Open-source tools helping to unify clouds, thereby pushing interoper-ability to the next level and increase prevalence of Software-defined Infrastructure as code.5. Cybersecurity: More Important Than Ever With the changing landscape of cyber-attacks, there will be increased need for implementation of zero-trust security, Secure Access Service Edge (SASE),Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Security orches-tration, automation and response (SOAR) and Cloud Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) capabilities and threat model-ling techniques. Confidential Computing and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) based on advanced encryption standards will help enterprises make the final push to Hybrid cloud.6. High Performance Computing Goes MainstreamHigh performance computing will combine process-ing capability and storage capacity in Hybrid cloud environment to deliver scalability and performance. There will be emergence of HPC based on open stan-dards hardware and open-source software to solve complex computational problems. Cloud will de-mocratize HPC at scale and make the unthinkable computing possible by hyperscalers with HPC-as-a-service model.7. Edge And 5Gunlocking New Opportunities5G architecture will simplify wide-spread adoption of edge computing. This will enhance Digital experi-ence, improve performance and enable operational efficiency. Edge computing will bring computation and data closer to the location. AI at the Edge will provide significant boost to hybrid cloud infrastruc-ture, improve security and privacy posture. There will be significant shift in transforming networks from virtualization to cloudification. 8. Quantum Computing Gains MomentumQuantum on cloud will reinvent the world of busi-ness and technology. With a promise of optimized solutions, improved AI capability and accelerated re-search, Quantum on cloud will be the game changer in coming days.9. The Dawn Of Cognitive EnterpriseCo-creation of client's business platform on a hy-brid cloud infrastructure adhering to culture of open innovation will accelerate Cognitive transfor-mation. Hybrid cloud will pave the way through in-sights-driven engagement models, decision making capabilities and optimized workloads.ConclusionThe future of business is redefined by Digital, re-mote and hybrid multicloud. Hybrid is the reality and multi is the choice. Cloud will continue to be the question as well as the answer to the Digital maze. Now it's time for enterprises to future-skill their workforce to meet the growing challenges and op-portunities. Cloud will be the melting pot of infinite possibilities, unrestricted flexibility and unhin-dered innovation in 2021 and beyond. CLOUD MODERNIZATION WILL TAKE CENTER STAGE TO DELIVER FLEXIBLE, SCALABLE AND COST-EFFICIENT BUSINESS INNOVATION
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