| |February 201919users are sending their personal data to a cloud-hosted server that stores the information for later ac-cess. And as useful as these appli-cations are for personal use, they're even more valuable for businesses that need to be able to access large amounts of data over a secure, on-line network connection.Employees can access customer information via cloud-based CRM software like Salesforce from their smartphone or tablet at home or while traveling, and can quickly share that information with oth-er authorized parties anywhere in the world. Your cloud governance team should lead a process of defin-ing your global tagging policy. It will be important to work with key stakeholders to get feedback and buy-in. Global tags should be applied consistently by all appli-cations and teams in your organi-zation. Individual teams or appli-cations may add additional tags for their specific needs as well.To effectively implement your tagging policy, you will need to cre-ate a staged rollout process.Your cloud governance team provides ongoing weekly reports to show the level of coverage for global tags by team or group. These reports help to show current state and also track improvements in tag coverage.Alerts on untagged resourc-es specify a defined window (24 hours, for example) to tag resourc-es. If not tagged, resources can be terminated (only for non-produc-tion workloads) or an escalation can be sent to managers.Security of data is a critical fac-tor to consider. It is important to understand the backup plans of the cloud vendor in the event of an outage or crash. After all, your data shouldn't reach wrong hands.It advisable to keep highly sensitive data behind a firewall, and outside of the public cloud realm.The incredible potential of cloud deployment models ensure safety, protection and quick real-ization of business goals. It is also true that each business or organi-zation has to go through its own unique requirements to decide on cloud deployment model.You can choose one model or a combination of models to leverage different kinds of benefits. And when you have the right key in hand, it is easy to channel your ef-forts to other aspects of business.Of all our cloud computing pre-dictions, this one is not exactly a surprise or news for anyone: Cloud computing-based service models will continue to grow in 2018. Essentially, the outlook for cloud computing is very bright for 2018, and that's across all its service models.The truth is that true and com-plete cloud migration is still a distant dream for even the most advanced and cloud-converted en-terprises. This means companies are looking for options to con-nect their on-premises solutions with their cloud-based solutions, along with complex customiza-tions to make their systems work in a manner that supports their business processes.Our cloud computing predic-tions crystal ball shows us that in 2018, IT giants will realize the need to serve this demand, and will of-fer options to end users that help them achieve their hybrid infra-structure goals. Without a doubt, on-premises solutions have their merits when it comes to network security for data flow control. Sanjay Pawar
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