| |DECEMBER, 2024754last CommentDigital Ecosystem BuildSrivaths Varadharajan, Global Fintech & Digitech Evangelist2636324452Responsible AI, the Way to Ethical Artificial IntelligenceDeciphering the Dynamics of IoT Integration, Smart Cities & Manufacturing Landscape in IndiaModern Day Technologies & their Role in a Manufacturing SetupEvolving Trends Reshaping the FinTech Industry in IndiaCombating Incidents Like the CrowdStrike 2024Hitesh SamvediSr. VP - IT & SystemsQX Global ServicesPraveen AroraVP & Business Head IoTTata CommunicationsGyan PandeyHead Digital/CDOVoltasRamkumar VenkatesanChief Technology OfficerCashfree PaymentsEvaa SaiwalHead of Cyber Insurance PolicybazaarCXO SPEAKS12COVER FEATURE | |DECEMBER, 20241PIONEERING INNOVATION IN AI & EDGE COMPUTINGKAMALAAKAR DEVAKI, FOUNDER & CEOSSAANNDDLLOOGGIICC TTEECCHHNNOOLLOOGGIIEESS
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