| |September 20189Questions that might come to the majority of minds around:· Where is this digital word really headed to and are we not getting sur-rounded by too much Technology?· Will human intelligence still rule the roost as it is the creator or will it be-come slave to technology that he him-self has created to make life easy?· Do we really care and bother for the basic needs of the generations to come?· Will we be left with enough muscles and power in our bones to be in con-trol of life, or will it be just the brain working and let all the work left to the robots?The rat race of digital transforma-tion does need very thoughtful re-thinking, maintain-ing ethics and applying common sense to bring actual value in solving real life problems for human man-kind!Caring for all raw data and storing it forever; isn't it actually `Data Overloading'?Is there any sense of applying `Data Science' on all the data organization has or can grab from different sources, hardly of use, rather applying it on the size re-ally making sense or which has some information to drive business decisions?Digital disruption has made companies/organi-zations vulnerable- Even if they have been stable and durable in past and present. But have been not vola-tile enough to explore more viable options to be future ready!Innovation is driven by experiments but exper-iments have a cost- Organizations should be open to bear the cost if they really want to drive innovation.The other part of me, being a Technologist, feels-Why human should waste his energy and time in mundane work? Why most of the tedious work can't be automated so mankind is left for better jobs to do and has time to enjoy the precious life along with the nature and the loved ones?Why artificial intelligence can't use technology and science around to detect the problems before hu-man or the doctor finds it when it becomes too late?We should always realize that all the digital disrup-tion and technology evolution that has taken place in transportation, communication, commerce, health, medicine etc. has made our life more convenient and connected.Digital is all about Timing, Trust and Comfort, unless it's there, there would be adoption challenges. We have seen in past that you can build the best technology but if it's not in time or not adoptable due to trust gap, it will have tough time and will have to wait and review to survive.Data is the new fuel for any orga-nization that gives it an edge in this competitive market. Data from vari-ous resources i.e. the data universe is a great opportunity for value creation through Data Transformation but it does require:· `Art' to understand it· `Technology' to churn it, and· Science to derive intelligence out of it that makes real business senseOnly with the help of Artificial Intelligence aka AI, we will be able to understand, churn and transform these complex data universe to take advantage and ex-tract value to make real business sense.These advanced technologies are set to dramatical-ly reshape industries, markets, businesses, our society and daily lives, with recent breakthroughs in quantum computing it is slated to get better. From agriculture, manufacturing and city infrastructure to the human body itself, the digital revolution is reaching every cor-ner of our experience triggering a paradigm-shift.With all these advanced human centric technolo-gies taking over the tedious jobs, individuals and soci-ety would evolve for a healthier, more sustainable life, taking sustained breaks or opting a work part-time to re-skill or respond to care commitments.As the change is inevitable, the more that a country or company can articulate the future, the less anxious people will feel about it and only the top leaders and sr. management needs to take this responsibility to guide this change. THE RAT RACE OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION DOES NEED VERY THOUGHTFUL RE-THINKING, MAINTAINING ETHICS & APPLYING COMMON SENSE TO BRING ACTUAL VALUEArvind Singh
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