| |December 20189TELECOM BUSINESS OPERATIONS IN INDIA ARE DIVIDED INTO VARIOUS CIRCLES AS GEOGRAPHICAL BUSINESS UNIT WHICH ARE GENERALLY ALIGNED WITH VARIOUS STATES THOUGH NOT IN EVERY CASEcluding regular and contract staff with nationwide offices in every state and zonal level. We formed focused groups in every IT services portfolio team inspired to identify opportuni-ties by tracking IT helpdesk tick-ets, error logs, field inputs and patterns in reports. This resulted into a master portfolio of oppor-tunities. Some examples include opportunities to charge prepaid customers with low balances for legitimately requested services as soon as they recharged and acquired balances, looking at pattern of repeat calls from cus-tomers and providing self-service options to them thereby reducing call centre costs, providing near real time recharges information to field teams to plan promotions, providing promotional benefits intimation earlier to customers to help reduce calls at call cen-tre, providing segmented offers to customers over IVR, flexibil-ity to use SIMs in market place by decoupling from subscriber's phone number, enabling chan-nel partners to innovatively use small leftover amounts from pre-vious orders, evaluating increas-ing load of records from frequent non-revenue transactions like lo-cation updates during movement of taxis by fleet taxi service pro-viders and summarizing them leading to reduced load at bill runtime and increased headroom for processing etc . These are among countless other examples where IT oper-ations provide plethora of op-portunities to drive revenue, cost and CSAT business benefits to enterprise.Operational teams could iden-tify opportunities not just in ap-plications supporting sales and support but also in ERP, Analyt-ics, channel support etc by iden-tifying targeted improvements which would help reduce IT sup-port needs thereby freeing up time to focus on more value add-ed work. Considering increasing complexity, it is imperative for Operational teams to target re-duction of IT support needs, build end to end IT service views and identify areas of potential service disruption and take rectification measures in advance. This has left to substantial savings in costs and enhancement in revenue.Such encouragement to ex-plore and implement opportu-nities of making contribution to business metrics coupled with trainings and developmental interventions have helped IT Operational teams to instill cul-ture of looking at various IT in-terventions and opportunities from prism of business metrics. This has helped in maintaining high motivation and retaining talented staff.The drive for identifying in-novative opportunities to reduce costs and increase revenue not just lies among core service oper-ations teams but also among the field IT teams at Circles or Cluster of Circles.Telecom business operations in India are divided into various circles as geographical business unit which are generally aligned with various states though not in every case. Field IT teams continuously work with other organizational functions to identify opportu-nities to automate, improve pro-cesses, reduce manual efforts and leverage best practices across var-ious regions which has notable impact considering highly com-petitive intensity.In sum, in age of hyper com-petitive intensity apart from digi-tal transformation agenda, orga-nizations need to make focused efforts at identifying opportuni-ties to reduce business operation-al costs, enhance revenue and im-prove customer experience even in current state or in transition state to digital enterprise. IT teams being at unique vantage point having view of entire enter-prise shall play leading role in progressive organizations which could lead to substantial gains for organizations.
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