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Goldman Sachs India to Train Over 1,000 Non-Engineers in AI

CIO Insider team | Saturday, 9 March, 2024

In an effort to investigate the potential applications of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in its companies, American investment firm Goldman Sachs has established a centre in India to train both engineers and non-engineers in the field.

Since 2006, Goldman Sachs has invested more than $7 billion in India. Starting off as a support function, the Indian operations have now become the second largest for Goldman Sachs globally.

“In 2024, we aim to train over 1,000 non-engineering business users across Bengaluru and Hyderabad offices in India. They include individuals across operations, controllers, treasury, sales, research and investment banking,” says Gunjan Samtani, global chief operating officer of engineering at Goldman Sachs.

The school was piloted in mid-2023, under which the global financial services major trained employees across asset and wealth management, risk management, global banking and markets functions.

It aims to have more than 4,000 employees trained in AI, said Samtani, who is also the country head for Goldman Sachs Services India.

In the context of distribution of engineers across Americas and India, in totality, I think they are on par with each other

It established Goldman Sachs Services India in Bengaluru almost twenty years ago as one of its global competence centres. Currently, it employs over eight,500 people worldwide, or roughly 18 percent of the overall headcount, at its Hyderabad and Bengaluru offices. The facility in Hyderabad was opened in October of the previous year.

Half of the 8,500 staffers in India are engineers, representing one-third of the 12,000 engineers Goldman Sachs employs globally. With the largest office presence outside of its headquarters in New York, India also has the highest percentage of engineers embedded into Goldman Sachs’ front-to-back businesses.

“In the context of distribution of engineers across Americas and India, in totality, I think they are on par with each other,” Samtani adds.

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