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Indian Cyberspace has More Incidents than the Global Average: MU Nair

CIO Insider Team | Monday, 20 November, 2023

India's cyberspace has almost twice the number of cyber incidents compared to the global average, says MU Nair, National Cyber Security Coordinator.

Speaking at Synergia Conclave 2023's ‘Aligning Technologies for the Future Conclave,’ payouts from ransomware attacks averaged nearly $1.54 billion over the past 10 months, doubling from 2022, Nair adds.

Nair says, “These allegations are only the tip of the iceberg, as many of these cases go unreported. India's cyberspace has seen an average of 2,127 cyber incidents in the last six months, much higher than the global average of 1,108.”

There have been several initiatives in this direction at the UN and regional forums, where countries are looking for solutions to cyberspace that are not limited to national borders.

Several international initiatives are addressing the evolving challenges of cyber security. One important effort is the United Nations General Assembly-appointed Group of Governmental Experts (UN GGE), which aims to promote responsible state behavior in cyberspace.

In addition, the ad hoc committee is working to finalize a comprehensive international convention against the criminal use of information and communication technologies

In 2021, UN GGE approved a report that will significantly advance the development of international cyber security.

The main recommendations of the UN GGE are the development of international standards and principles, the promotion of international cooperation, and the strengthening of national cyber security capabilities.

In addition, the ad hoc committee is working to finalize a comprehensive international convention against the criminal use of information and communication technologies.

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