CIO Insider

CIOInsider India Magazine

Opportunities For Startups In A Time Of Crisis

COVID 19 pandemic has caused havoc. But with every bad thing, there is always something positive. Whenever there something threatened human...

Role of Virtual Reality in the Post Pandemic Era

Acknowledging that technology is playing a crucial role in times of COVID-19 and when lockdown is imposed, we humans will be indebted of some...

Trends Transforming the Life Sciences Industry in 2020

The supplies of vaccines from the Indian pharmacy market is about 50 percent of the global demands.
What Role Will Technology Have In The Future Of Health And Public Safety

What Role Will Technology Have In The Future Of Health And Public Safety

Technological innovations have been the foremost constructive thing happening on the last few years and the verticals receiving the benefits...
Blockchain Platforms You Need to Know About

Blockchain Platforms You Need to Know About

Blockchain technology, which evolved in 2009 has been a buzzword in the technology sphere. It is the Blockchain technology which is actively...

  • Accelerated MarTech's Digitization

    The present day marketer must be guided by a robust digital transformation strategy, ensuring the usage of data, online channels, digital content,...
Business Leaders have a New Friend in BYOM

Business Leaders have a New Friend in BYOM

Organizations are exploring options like `BYOM’ or Bring Your Own...

Every Effort Counts: Startups Innovating to Fight the Pandemic

In their own playing field, entrepreneurs and innovators across India have responded quickly to the COVID-19 pandemic. Startups have exhibited...

What coronavirus means for marketers

Numerous businesses spread across various sectors have knocked down to a grudging halt, with only a few essential services running. The coronavirus...

The Emergence of Online Learning Apps as the Future of Education

Technological advancements have brought remarkable changes in the art of learning. Up until a decade or two ago, education and schooling had great...

AI will make healthcare more accurate and less costly

As indicated by OECD gauges, 20 percent of human services spend is squandered all around. The United States Institute of Medicine accepts the...

Different ways the tech and services industry could be transformed post COVID19 Pandemic

Remember the good old days of 2019, when the biggest concerns were geopolitical tensions, tariff, trade wars and so on? When unemployment rates...

The Future of Farming: Hydroponics

In 2015, the United Nations had predicted that the global population will rise to about 9.6 Billion by 2050 and that around ..

Current Issue
Smartphones Are Ruling The Genai Era

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