Data Privacy: Data surveillance matter during the pandemic
Today, almost twenty-four countries across the world have stepped forward with digital surveillance measures by using a number of technological...Teaching is Going Remote: Schools and Universities are Switching Online due to COVID-19
Evolving technology in digital education goes conventional in a hurry and that is going to alter the present education system that is developing...Supply Chains can be revived using Blockchain networks
Covid-19 is often coined as the black swan event of the current century, exposing how vulnerable is the supply chain to disruptions globally. The...Covid-19, an Opportunity for Indian Industry to become Self-dependent
As the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in China, the factory of the world, could be an opportunity to acquire new markets for Indian...Identifying coronavirus phishing threats in the time of crisis
As the world is battling tooth and nail against the deadly threat of coronavirus, technocrats and network security firms are fighting another...