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CIOInsider India Magazine


Current and Upcoming Future Trends of Remote Working

Rajan Sarma

Remote Working, popularly known as Work- from- Home is changing the ways the global workforce operates. With the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, this trend of remote working is witnessing a rapid increase throughout the world. As of now, the Coronavirus outbreak has claimed over 22,000 lives and infected more than 6 million people worldwide. The world has come to a complete standstill in all aspects be it the economic sector, tourism sector or communication and transportation to -and- fro in the world is concerned.

The countries all over the world have started to employ India's age-old traditional tactic of complete lockdown in order to stop the spread of the deadly Coronavirus. Many companies are looking to avoid the spread of the pandemic within the workplace by asking people to work-from-home. Global giants Microsoft and Google have allowed free access to their facilities to businesses around the globe.

During these testing times, Remote Working or Work-from-Home has proven to be an unlikely hero, in the fight against COVID-19.

In the past, just a decade ago, Remote Working was a very rare phenomenon and had a negative reputation. Earlier the employers believed that the workforce could become easily distracted at home as the Managers won't be around the employees to keep tabs on them. While it may be true that remote employees might take longer breaks than their office counterparts, it is also a proven fact that Remote workers accomplish their tasks more efficiently since they are in a more relaxed environment that enables the remote workers to be at their highest levels of creativity.

Remote Working is making in-roads into many sectors for which the location of the employee is not relevant anymore as long as he/she has a secured internet connection. From Digital Marketing to Sales, Web Development, Copywriting, Translation and Proofreading everything is being made possible to do online thanks to the advent of technologies such as Video Conferencing and advanced Telecommunication tools. Remote work software such as mobile work tools, virtual reality conferencing will become the norm of the future, with AI likely to play a major role in managing the Remote Workspaces.

Instead of resisting to the inevitable changes, Organizations must realise that the future of work is undergoing a transitional phase and better remote work policies and capabilities must be put in place. It is an established fact that the human race is going to increase its population in the coming times ahead. With the increase in the number of people, the detrimental human-nature interactions are not going to stop anytime soon.

More global pandemic similar to the COVID-19 are bound to appear and re-appear again. To deal with such a worst-case scenario the business enterprises across the world must be updated with the latest remote working technologies.

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