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What Role Will Technology Have In The Future Of Health And Public Safety

Aveek Pal Chaudhuri

Technological innovations have been the foremost constructive thing happening on the last few years and the verticals receiving the benefits include healthcare and public safety. Introduction of Telehealth services, healthcare on digital platforms, and smart technologies are the medium which is helping mankind to move forward with the good works. Smart Technologies have incorporated the term ‘Efficiency’ in public and private work culture. Quality of patient care has improved in many parts of the world due to technological interventions.

The entire world is dependent on the solutions of digital challenges which is mostly faced during the lockdown when all work is done from home. Web security is another segment where cybercrime and hacking need to be managed. Detecting such problems is a huge challenge for IT security professionals to prevent data theft.

The New Technology for this Age
The upcoming health and public wellbeing are going to be made on how organizations work with modern and digital technologies for improving the operational workings. The collaborations and decision making will also define the same.

1. Internet of Things – It is a technology, which is helping enterprises to enhance resources and provide improved engagement, connectivity, and convenient communications among service providers and consumers. In healthcare, IoT-based applications are able to empower healthcare deliverers. It is enabling them to check patients from remote locations. For security operations, IoT enthralled security devices and applications are able to base the decision making through utilization and fast connectivity. It is done through uninterrupted interactive devices on real-time.

2. Big Data and Analytics – With the reaching out of healthcare facilities in the remotest part of a region, the volume, velocity, and the variety of healthcare rises. Correspondingly, the public safety forums have data, which is from digital and traditional channels. By this big data and analytics, health and public safety forums are able to read data and take actions. This is also helping to staying safe from life-threatening forms.

3. Communication Networks – Following the communication rules set for modern data and 4G LTE, communication is getting accelerated. Information exchange, healthcare services, and safety control rooms are using this vehemently. Optimization of communication networks is helping the service providers to manufacture robust and continuous communication channels for healthcare and public safety establishments.

4. Artificial Intelligence – 4. Artificial Intelligence – Hospitals and clinics are taking help of artificial intelligence for scheduling meetings, automating paperwork, and maintaining accounts. In the coming days, artificial intelligence will be able to formulate virtual biopsies, application-based diagnostics, and other life-threatening diseases. Artificial intelligence will also be able to prevent policing, crime and investigation, disaster management, and traffic control.

5. Cloud Development – Cloud technology is the savior of firms, which can produce a unified platform for storing, processing, and digitizing data in different industries. With the increase of information on individual health and safety measurements from various different sources, cloud technology is poised to evolve to a significant role of managing data, after which organizations can use this to leverage data improvement for efficient and reliable healthcare and public safety measures.

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