Algomox is a Bangalore based AI startup founded in 2018 which equips enterprises with AI defined business services for better competitive edges in their business. The company helps data scientists, machine learning engineers, DataOps engineers, and AI reliability engineers to focus on their priorities and free up considerable bandwidth in bringing innovative projects. Anil A. Kuriakose, CEO, engages in a conversation that further explores the services of Algomox.
In conversation with Anil A Kuriakose, CEO, Algomox
AI as an emerging technology has gained significant attention globally, and has already integrated into devices that people daily use. How is Algomox positioned to cater its services powered by AI for transforming businesses to a new level?
Algomox positions itself as a high-quality, value-added AI software & services company that helps enterprises to accelerate their artificial intelligence strategy. The value proposition that we offer to enterprises is to automate every step of their AI transformation journey from planning to maturity. Algomox helps IT and data science teams to rapidly prototype, train, fine-tune, deploy, and maintain machine learning workflows that accelerate time to value. Moreover, we also empower IT organization to showcase the value of IT investment through AI defined business value dashboards.
Businesses operating across different
verticals have started adapting AI conveniently for better productivity and efficiency. Walk us through the AI applications and services that you provide, and how it benefits different businesses.
Nowadays all CXOs are talking about AI as a trail blazer for their business. But once the AI transformation projects starts, they face numerous challenges such as unclear strategy on where to begin their AI transformation projects, lack of talent, functional silos, lack of data, and insufficient AI infrastructure. For such situations, Algomox offers cost effective consulting services that defines the vision and strategy to build and extend the data science team organizations. By helping the data scientists and machine learning engineers to use AutoML techniques, we help in finding the best performing machine learning algorithm and its hyper-parameters for a given data science problem at an affordable price. Moreover, we also assist with planning, building, and optimizing the organizational IT infrastructure using AI defined models and improves resource utilization.
Our advanced AI techniques enhance the efficiency of IT operations and embrace a predictive approach towards monitoring, service management, and automation
The industry touts the benefits of AI in IT infrastructure that bolsters cybersecurity and optimizing storage capacity. What are the AI practices that Algomox exercise for the IT infrastructure of organizations?
Our advanced AI techniques enhance the efficiency of IT operations and embrace a predictive approach towards monitoring, service management, and automation. The Algorithmic IT Operations (AIOps) methodology helps organizations to make better decisions and automate different IT process. It
uses machine learning and deep learning techniques to manage and monitor the IT environment to collect log files, KPIs or Metrics to figure out the anomalies and deviations from the normal operations. It engages with the IT users to build a knowledge graph using graph technology. Moreover, we were able to build an intelligent cognitive bot, which can act as 24x7 IT support engineer and answer the queries of customers through the reference in knowledge graph.
Please provide an example of one of your successful AI implementations in India which has gained considerable benefit for the company.
Algomox’s AutoAI powered services for a retail banking organization helped their data scientists and machine learning engineers in making better business predictions by augmenting their roles. Their team was able to derive immediate business value from machine learning, barring the wait for months to write code and go through laborious trial and error to figure out which prediction model to use.
The methods through which AI can be used to augment different levels of enterprise functions will keep expanding. As a startup in the AI domain, what is the future blueprint of Algomox?
Currently, we have been pivoting our business model. We are emerging as an end-to-end leader in enterprise AI space. With the profound AI knowledge, intellectual properties, end to end integrated acceleration platforms, and AI skills, we want to emerge as one of the best enterprise AI software and service companies in this world. Our current focus is India and the U.S, at the same time we are buckled up to expand across Europe and other regions.