Apar Innosys LLP: Providing Comprehensive Cutting-Edge Technology and Business Solutions through IoT

Senthil Kumar
Apar Innosys is a global information technology company headquartered in Singapore with offices in Japan, Malaysia and India. The company provides comprehensive cutting edge technology and business solutions, helping clients bring the future of work to life. Apar Innosys builds and delivers Artificial Intelligence based IoT solutions apart from providing system integration, application development and management services.
In conversation with Senthil Kumar and Sundararaman, Founders, Apar Innosys LLP
How does Apar Innosys leverage the current reduction in prices of IoT sensors to cater to different segments of the industry?
Contrary to popular theory, the role of sensor prices is not a significant percentage of the total cost of an IoT solution. The real cost that needs to be addressed is the cost that goes with the processing of the data coming out of the sensors. But, yes, the drop of sensor prices is indeed a welcome development. If the truth be told, we are rather looking forward to the arrival of a more comprehensive suite of multi dimensional sensors (many sensors on a single chip) at affordable prices. And until then, we continue to build these ourselves along with some manufacturing partners from Taiwan.
Our solutions are affordable to customers of varying segments because we have built sensors, platforms and applications that, functionally, closely resemble one other, yet remaining domain relevant without exception; in other words, our development costs get amortized
across domains making them affordable to our customers.
Apar Innosys builds and delivers Artificial Intelligence based IoT solutions apart from providing system integration, application development and Management services
As more and more vendors are striving to make viable IoT products and services which are easier to deploy, new developments like 5G and smart cities will bring with them added complexity to contend with. What different approach is Apar Innosys adopting in IoT technology?
From our perspective, new technologies or new developments make it only easier to innovate and build newer, better and cheaper products; provided we have the resources to deeply understand and smartly harness these new arrivals. While we work on projects all day,we are also not leaving our laboratories unmanned. We are constantly at work trying to keep pace with the new technologies, and, to release products and solutions, based on them,as soon as they are widely implemented. For instance, multidimensional sensors and AI based reasoning systems are already on our offerings even though, in a very strict sense, these products are yet to become easily accessible in the market.
The exponential increase in the number of IoT devices in use pretty much automatically leads to an accompanying rise in security vulnerabilities. How do you overcome these challenges?
Yes. And, on the other hand, we also must understand that IoT device manufacturers have understandable and real constraints in implementing security at such micro levels. Until security standards get internationally defined for the last mile, solution providers like us have no other option but to look at other directions and options for protecting our
customers from ingression. While we cannot discuss in detail on how we do it, let’s just say that we do it at the level where data gets aggregated.
Tell us about your recent implementations which also became a turning point for your company.
We recently deployed a solution for a private bank using tens of thousands of sensors. While we would not go so far and call it a turning point; there is no denying of the fact that, this project led us to some amazing discoveries that has provided us with extra ordinary technological and competitive leverage. For instance, we now have homegrown technology to handle high velocity data,data that arrives in hundreds of thousands of records per second, and, instead of crumbling under this incredible data velocity, we are not only making real time sense of the data, but are also getting ready to scale the system in the order of 10x,without any code change.
Sundararaman, Founder
After such an accomplishment, tell us about your forth coming perspective and how it will help Apar Innosys to flourish in the upcoming future market.
While we have always been favored by the market, we did have some hesitations in approaching large implementations. And by large, we mean really large implementations that involve millions of sensors, geographically scattered across states. Today, it is a different story. All such mundane activities like data or sensor management, downtime elimination, and reasoning out the data, are all under our belt. Not just that, we are now poised to take on any domain without shaking the foundations of our platforms. All that has been conquered. We are now more focused on bringing out the wow factors from the projects of our customers.