In a quest to bring a sophisticated look for maintaining EHRs, Mumbai based Applehealth Systems delivers specialized cloudbased technologies for the healthcare domain for setting up and maintaining software solution for hospitals and diagnostic centers. By incorporating various IoT devices to ease off laborious job of patient admission, treating, and billing, the company paves way for a revolutionary approach in healthcare management. Prakash Jose Nelapana, partner for Applehealth Systems walks us elaborates on the company’s products and services that bring a new perspective to healthcare solutions.
In conversation with Prakash Jose Nelapana, Partner, Applehealth Systems
Healthcare technology helps healthcare enterprises in improving access, convenience, and outcomes for consumers. Cloud applications for easy management of the hospital functions have opened new ways of managerial functions. How are Applehealth System’s products helping healthcare institutions in management functions?
Well, most of our clients are doctors and other healthcare employees who seek for a sophisticated application that can provide information regarding the patient at the tip of a finger. We develop software which can be utilised in diagnostic centres and dispensaries. Our idea was to infuse the range of convoluted data into a single funnel, so as to eliminate human errors in mismanagement. Since the government has made it compulsory for hospitals to keep the record of the patients for at least three years, it wakes the need for a robust software application that can easily provide information about the medical history of the patient. Our cloudbased software applications assist busy doctors in accessing patients’ EMR and perform the necessary treatment protocols from anywhere. It has a user friendly interface with log-in and log-out options just like G-mail or Yahoo. We have deployed our software in radiology centres, private dispensaries, and also in hospitals as clinic management software.
There are numerous visible benefits that healthcare can expect from SaaS, such as deployment of electronic medical records and electronic health records for organisations. Tell us how
eDoc functions as a digital alternative of patients’ case file, equipped with a Bluetooth pen that comprises optical devices, and electronic circuits
SaaS has become a necessity for organisations as they identified it as a more affordable way of deploying cloud based EHRs. By providing our software as a service, the customer will be always using the latest version that we have produced. Our product named eDoc assists non-tech savvy doctors in providing better consulting after going through the patients’ medical record that contains all information regarding their previous visits and diagnosis. eDoc functions as a digital alternative of patients’ case file, equipped with a Bluetooth pen that comprises optical devices, and electronic circuits. It

records texts as the doctor writes and transmits them automatically to the system. This application would exactly look like a face sheet used by doctors, so as to make them feel less alienated from their traditional methods of using pen and paper for writing prescriptions. While the technology is moving at a rapid pace, we ensure that they benefit the utility of cloud to provide better healthcare to the patients. We have often met with issues regarding the new technological advancements in the healthcare industry in an era of fast changing technology landscape. The challenges in understanding the innovation and incorporating them into the software, keeps us running alive.
A number of triumphant successes
would have marked since the establishment of the company. Share one of your implementations that raised the company’s reputation among clients.
We are proud to share one of the significant successes which we had while providing our service for the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). They were planning for a pilot project to record the number of abortions taking place across different areas in the city of Mumbai. Previously they had employees taking care of the business by taking notes on paper, and then entering the data in the Excel sheet categorising according to centres. But now, they can generate the statistics on the abortions recorded area wise, within the periphery of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. It provides stratified details on a certain area, with insights on what community they belong, and other personal details too. Currently they have computerised the entire system with more than 700 hospitals using our software, which yield absolute results.
The future of healthcare is unfolding in front of our eyes through technological developments and innovations, and many healthcare institutes have started making use of it. Tell us what plans does Applehealth Systems behold for the future of the company in the years to come?
The road ahead is quite clear and calculated in terms of catapulting our business. We are trying to become one of the Go to providers in the clinic management area, especially with the onset of the government regulation to maintain the record of patients. With MCGM has been running our software successfully for the last four and a half years, we are further trying to push it to other municipal corporations in the country as well. Additionally, we are trying to integrate the supply of medicine through our system as a mainstream project. We envision for a healthcare that is affordable to every citizen of this country.