Ch Nagaveni
Chairperson & Founder
With a vision to build automated solutions cost effectively and re-engineering processes to create intuitive systems, Future Tech Solutions based out of Hyderabad has been providing complete digital transformation solutions to businesses since 2017. The company has defined its mission to incorporate novel ideas in the software development projects and deliver prime services in Digital Transformation - RPA, AI, Cognitive services, Computer Vision and NLP capabilities. Ch Nagaveni, Chairperson & Founder & Ch Srinivasa Rao, Delivery Head & Co-Founder of Future Tech Solutions, converses on how the company manoeuvre its steps as a start-up to obtain the aforementioned goals.
In conversation with Ch Nagaveni, Chairperson & Founder; Ch Srinivasa Rao, Delivery Head & Co Founder, Future Tech Solutions
Artificial intelligence technology has grown exceptionally in the last decade, and is expected to thrive further as the new decade dawns. Tell us about how Future Tech Solutions embarked on a niche space in AI driven technological solutions.
Future Tech Solutions has well defined plans on AI Implementation for both short term and long term. Our AI & RPA implementation plans are spread across identifying use cases in various domains and preparing due diligence, RPA implementation with AI & Cognitive capability, Computer Vision & NLP, Chatbots development, and Cognitive Automation. We have been engaged in the development of physical robot for corporate security coupled with IoT Hub, analytics and virtual bot with Computer Vision & NLP capability.
Future Tech Solutions provides dynamic RPA Innovation Lab for the easy migration of manual workforce to a virtual workforce one as a part of digital transformation. Thus enabling business to improve high scalability, improved turnaround time, achieve error free consistency and obtain high productivity.
We identify the automation opportunity with in the business and embark on process assessment to determine the complexity and understand AS-IS and To-Be process
The spending on R&D and the deployment of AI powered products and solutions continue to rise. This will enable AI to increasingly monitor and refine various business processes. What are the various AI powered services offered by Future Tech in the IT industry?
We have a set of innovative RPA & AI product ideas in our portfolio. Few among them are AI & Cognitive capability security system, IoT enabled industry ROBO, AI & Cognitive powered with Analytics, RPA solution with AI for Computer Vision & NLP, RPA solution for complete back office processing, and different Chatbots with AI capability. Moreover, we also provide complete automation ecosystem for few business requirements with RPA, AI, Cognitive services, Cloud, IoT, and Analytics.
The importance to develop a defined approach in software development life cycle always comes in handy. Could you please elaborate the strong development and delivery methodologies followed by Future Tech in different software engineering life cycle models?
We follow a definite Automation Life Cycle & Delivery methodology in six phases to implement automation delivery. In the initial phase of discovery, we identify the automation opportunity with in the business and embark on process assessment to determine the complexity and understand AS-IS and To-Be process. Later, we carry out
entitlement and tech feasibility study and prepare business case preparation and presentation. Then comes the second phase where we indulge in designing the solution. Here, operations such as design & documentation, efforts & cost estimation, model creation, environment identification, and technology tradeoffs are performed. After which we exercise implementation strategies with best practices, standards, configuration, review and testing operations. We then place the process for UAT followed by deployment strategies and execution stage. In the last phase of execution of the BOTs, we schedule & manage the BOTS, monitor transactions, logging, and generate reports & analytics.
Ch Srinivasa Rao, Delivery Head & Co-Founder
Kindly cite an example of one of your successful AI implementation that has earned considerable benefit for that company.
R&D on various innovative ideas implementation, and few POC in pipeline very soon those will come out from Future Tech Solutions Innovative Lab.
As a startup company centred on AI technology applications, what can we expect from Future Tech in the days ahead?
We have a perfect five-year plan on Automation R&D, innovative ideation and implementation. In Future Tech Solutions, we will be signing up more talents year on year till 2025. We anticipate having a team of 260 members in RPA by the end of 2025. Over the next five years we will be levelling up our portfolio to include RPA solutions with AI, RPA & Cognitive capabilities, burnishing AI products on computer vision & NLP, industrial ROBO development, and ROBO with Computer Vision, NLP, IoT & Analytics.