D. Srihari
LEANworx is a machine monitoring system for Industry 4.0, designed for MSMEs. It dramatically improves shop floor profits by providing accurate and instant information on production and productivity, to owners and managers of manufacturing firms. It costs less than a cup of coffee per day, per machine. LEANworx is used across India, in firms in auto parts, aerospace, plastic parts, foundry, radiators, medical implants, pumps, valves, and cutting tools. D. Srihari, Director, tells us how the system helps manufacturing industries improve profits.
In conversation with D. Srihari, Director, LEANworx Technologies
The market potential of the Internet of Things in India alone is expected to reach USD 9 billion by 2020. With this, the IoT units in India can also see a rapid growth of 31 times to reach 1.9 billion by 2020. Keeping these rapid growths in mind, explain how is LEANworx Technologies placed in the market?
Our product LEANworx is an Industry 4.0 system that improves productivity in manufacturing industries. LEANworx is a plug-and-play system that enables rapid deployment of Industry 4.0. Deployment time is 15 to 20 minutes per machine. LEANworx is a ready-touse product, not a platform on which an Industry 4.0 system needs to be developed. Additionally, it is cloud based, over IOT. It requires zero IT infrastructure on the shop floor, no local
server, no LAN, no hardware or software maintenance team is required. We are well placed in terms of product capability to take advantage of the market growth.
In India, the maximum push for IoT adoption is coming from the government for the industries and business, tell us about the various services LEANworx Technologies provide to the customers? How are these services helping customers?
LEANworx is a B2B product, and is used by a number of prominent manufacturing industries. It provides data from machines directly to decision makers, instantly and accurately, in the form of reports and SMS alerts. Data is available on mobiles phone, tablet or laptop. Machine downtime caused by work ethics issues, systems issues and maintenance issues is reduced; part rejections are reduced; OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) improves dramatically; consumables usage is reduced. LEANworx is very affordable even by SMEs.
LEANworx is a ready-to-use product, not a platform on which an Industry 4.0 system needs to be developed
What are the progress and strategies LEANworx Technologies focuses to empower the employees as well as enhance the business in the markets? Tell us about your machine monitoring, IoT and Manufacturing team?
There are independent functional teams for Marketing, Sales, Applications and Product Development. We are a manufacturing company with deep knowledge of manufacturing processes, machines and shop floor systems. This is combined with extensive software and hardware development skills. We are therefore able to understand customer requirements instantly and
provide them with an appropriate fix for their pain points.
What are some of the challenges faced by LEANworx Technologies while implementing various industry-based services and what measures you take to stand ahead in the market?
Each industry segment has its own peculiar requirements of monitoring data, analyzing it and reporting it, based on the nature of machines and processes used. Example: CNC lathes and machining centers, mould making and core shooter machines in foundries, pressure die casting, injection moulding, etc. LEANworx has hundreds of special algorithms and AI logic to cater to this diverse variety.
Kindly explain one of the success stories which have made LEANworx Technologies well received in the market?
A big success story is one of India’s biggest aerospace parts manufacturer that uses LEANworx. The firm has multiple plants. Decision makers right from the CEO down to shop supervisors get reports on shiftwise and daily production, OEE, and analyses of downtime reasons. Concerned people get SMSs in case of machine breakdown, production shortfall, abnormal downtime, abnormal rejections, etc. Since LEANworx was installed, machine downtime has reduced by 20%, improving profitability dramatically. They are able to use existing machine capacity better instead of buying new machines.
As the technology has rapidly increased from past few years in the market, customers are expecting more from the suppliers. What future have you conceived for LEANworx Technologies in the coming years?
Manufacturing processes and communication technologies are constantly evolving, and LEANworx is evolving in step with these. Enhancement in data analytics and reporting will be a focus. There will be a lot of automatic decision making, with many of the more routine decisions taken by the software itself.