Dr Sreerama KV Murthy
CEO & Chief Data Scientist
Almost every software or services company is claiming AI, GenAI expertise. AI buzzwords are thrown around in every corporate conversation. Some applicants for positions like Data Scientist and ML Engineer are citing short online courses as their primary AI qualifications. Trivial ChatGPT pilot projects are being passed off, even in RFPs, as cutting-edge corporate GenAI deployments. On the other hand, worldwide spend on artificial intelligence (AI) will more than double by 2028 to reach $632 billion, growing at a CAGR of 29.0 percent . The financial services industry will have 20 percent of all AI spending, with banking leading the way. In such a market situation, how does one reliably identify a genuine, deep-tech AI, GenAI, Machine Learning, Big Data company? How does one clear the AI-vendor clutter, and pick reliable AI expert vendors?
Helping global enterprises accrue the complete benefits of their data and AI by banking on its deep-rooted AI expertise is Quadratyx— a native AI company that has dedicated itself to enterprise AI deployments at hundreds of customer organizations. Over the past decade, Quadratyx has earned an envious reputation among blue chip companies in India and outside, especially among BFSI, Manufacturing and Healthcare industry leaders.
Clearly, your unparalleled experi- ence in AI played a pivotal role in Quadratyx success. Tell us about your growth journey.
It’s been a fantastic journey over the past 30 years. After my PhD in Machine Learning, I spent about 16 years working in AI research labs and setting up AI companies in verticals like education, vocational training, and supply chain management. Then, in 2011, along with a very capable group of colleagues, I participated in setting up the Inter -national School of Engineering (INSOFE), to train working professionals in AI and machine learning. We initially started with a Hyderabad campus, then expanded to Mumbai and Bangalore, with Carnegie Mellon University certifying our graduates from the outset. It didn’t take much time for me to realize that there was a huge crater in the availability of quality AI services for enterprises.
We launched Quadratyx in January 2014, as an IP-centric deep-tech AI, machine learning, and big data services company. Within the first year, we secured as customers leading companies from Banking, Manufacturing and IT industries. I am happy to note that many of these customers are still with us. Unlike other small players, our focus was on making our customers self-reliant in AI/ ML strategy and execution. For example, we helped established a Center of Excellence for one of India’s leading financial services groups as early as in 2015. This customer-centricity led us to many enterprise partnerships, for example, leading public and private sector banks, manufacturing houses, retain giants, credit rating agencies, etc.
Between 2014 and 2017, we grew our team to 50 AI/ ML experts, so started attracting investment offers from large enterprises. We chose to partner with US based Flat world Solutions in 2017, to benefit from their extensive sales and marketing channels. This collaboration allowed us to sell AI-driven solutions to clients in USA, Canada, South America, Europe and Asia. We established dedicated sales partners in Colombia
(2017), the United States (2021), and Saudi Arabia (2023).
Over the past decade, Quadratyx developed 15 original enterprise-level AI/ML assets, in areas such as unstructured data analysis, document reading, and fraud detection. Today, Quadratyx boasts of a team of 100 deep-tech GenAI, AI, ML professionals associated with our India delivery center headquartered in Hyderabad.
Please tell us about your ready-to-deploy GenAI/AI/ML solutions in different verticals
Quadratyx operates in three primary industry verticals – BFSI, Healthcare and Manu-facturing. In Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), we developed various enterprise-grade predictive machine learning and GenAI systems. Initially, we focused on reliably predicting delinquencies - i.e., predicting which individuals would make their payments on time and which individuals would not. Today, Quadratyx runs one of the largest financialfraud-scoring installations in India, processing over a million transactions per hour, fraud-scoring each transaction within 10 milliseconds. Our fraudscoring platform won international accolades.
Quadratyx developed 15 original enterprise grade AI solutions. In 2021, we shifted our focus to a recurring subscription model from a custom solution building model
Other than delinquency and fraud, Quadratyx built over 50 enterprise AI solutions in the BFSI sector for global customers, ranging from non-performing asset management, end-to-end loan automation, dynamic pricing of insurance premiums, campaign optimization, propensity scoring, reliable identification of promising new customers, credit scoring for non-traditional and first-time debtors, sophisticated sales and customer service through GenAI bots, construction of state of the art multipetabyte data lakes, etc.
What business problems do your AI tools solve in Manufacturing and Healthcare?
In Manufacturing, since 2016, we developed solutions for B2B purchase recommendations, road fleet optimization, raw material demand prediction, video surveillance, price prediction, supplier ranking, regulatory compliance, intelligent HR, back-office process automation, and recommendation engines. Our state-of-the-art platforms have been utilized globally and delivered ROI in excess of $200 million. Our manufacturing AI tools today integrate seamlessly with market leading ERP systems, through whom we are serving manufacturing enterprises on multiple continents.
In Healthcare, our focus has been in areas like schedule optimization, improving chronic disease patient care, empowering CXOs with latest business performance insights, building healthcare data lakes, adding intelligence and automation to pharma retail, pharmacovigilance, data extraction from medical images and videos, etc. We serve healthcare clients across the Americas – USA, Canada, Latin America.
Trust in enterprise AI is still low in places. What testing and quality assurance processes do you put your solutions through?
Our BFSI solutions are used by some of the largest banks in India and the world. They must pass not only the stringent quality, reliability, and security requirements of our customers,but also of their regulatory agencies (e.g. the Reserve Bank of India). We must undergo comprehensive periodic audits
by our customers and their regulators. This typically involves adhering to hundreds of rules.
Likewise, in Manufacturing, we work with large, multi-billion enterprises that have their own responsibility frameworks, vulnerability inspections, and cyber-security requirements. Typically, if we spend 200 days developing a solution, we must spend another 100-120 days for testing, compliance, performance, and security. We cannot take any of these processes lightly. Further, as a company, Quadratyx adheres to stringent guidelines such as ISO and CMM. Being an ISO 27001organization, information security, responsible AI, etc are not afterthoughts for us, but proactive parts of every step of our development and deployment. Our commitment to quality standards can be seen from the trust large global financial and healthcare organizations are placing in Quadratyx.
What sets you apart from other GenAI /AI/ML vendors? How would you describe your learning and innovation core & culture?
Our team is the cornerstone of Quadratyx's success. Despite being a small deep-tech company, we managed to retain our top talent, which is highly sought-after, for nearly a decade in our 11-year journey. Our team embodies invaluable skills in translating business problems into GenAI, AI, ML solutions, engineering and deploying these solutions. This requires a deep understanding of both the business domain and advanced technologies. Focusing on specific domains has allowed us to cultivate significant domain expertise as well within our team.
Extensive involvement in academia sets us apart as a deep-tech company. For example, I personally serve as an adjunct professor at the Case Western Reserve University, the Golden Gate University, and the Rennes School of Business in France. As we speak, over 250 highly experienced doctoral students, in 30 countries, are working with us on GenAI related projects and theses. We attempt to foster a similar learning culture within Quadratyx as well. Many of our employees pursue postgraduate programs, such as MTech, MS, or diplomas, from top schools like Wharton, Columbia, ISB and BITS. We filed over 25 US patent applications and encourage our employees to publish and present at global conferences.
What is the future blueprint for Quad-ratyx?
Last year, we achieved a 40 percent year-on-year growth in revenue. This fiscal, we are on track to grow by another 60 percent and anticipate another 120-percent next year. The AI tail winds in the market and the concomitant reduction in the need to educate customers on the benefits of AI has greatly benefitted us.
As I said earlier, over the last 11 years, Quadratyx developed 15 original enterprise-grade AI solutions. In 2021, we shifted our focus to a recurring subscription model from a custom solution building model. Our robust products in banking, manufacturing, and health care, are being accepted well globally, plus we are creating new assets. Our parent company is also pivoting towards AI, creating multiple AI sales brands. With a clear vision, excellent workforce, and prudent investments, I am happy to say that Quadratyx is at a tipping point in our growth journey. As a part of this, we are setting up teams in Chennai, Gurgaon and forming new sales associations in Europe and Australia.