Venkatesh Rajeswaran
President Enterprise Business Group
Performing exploratory evaluations to cloud strategy to technology decisions, Redington offers support at every step of the cloud journey. The company aims to help organizations understand how cloudadoption transforms the way they work, align business and devise technology agendas, thereby making it easier for them to choose the right route forward and confidently assess impact and potential outcomes. Venkatesh Rajeswaran, President Enterprise Business Group at Redington explains how, with the help of a large network of expert partners, Redingtion provides a one-stop solution for all the cloud needs.
In conversation with Venkatesh Rajeswaran, President Enterprise Business Group at Redington (India) Limited.
Business enterprises no longer have to establish an IT infrastructure constituting servers in advance. Technology has evolved in a way they can access virtual servers within minutes. Give a succinct idea about Redington’s practices in the cloud computing arena.
Redington has always embarked on a systematic approach for cloud adoption with minimal to zero impact on businesses. Our S.M.A.R.T. Cloud Framework, expanded as Simplifying Migration & Accelerating Robust Transformation, is an advanced Cloud adoption framework that provides a step by step guideline in helping businesses leverage cloud journey seamlessly and with definitive timelines and milestones. The overarching objective of our services is to optimize infrastructure, security, cost, and governance for mission critical workload like SAP, CRMs and other business applications. Our managed services team ensures 24/7 support to customers for a zero downtime business continuity post migration to cloud.
By eliminating upfront capital infrastructure costs, AWS helps in scaling up business through
experimenting and innovating quickly. Kindly walk us through the AWS partnered services that you provide to business enterprises looking for modernization and agility.
Redington helps customers address their current challenges in on-premises via a well-defined process, starting from discovery, assessment, design, migration, as well as a manage services model. To ensure true Cost Economics for our customer and also to address their legacy challenges, we ensure an app modernization that utilizes AWS features such as Serverless deployments and container micro services to improve agility, flexibility and scalability. Moreover, we help customers to define new business models through our analytics and ML models. As part of cloud adoption, it is imperative that security and governance controls are strictly in place to mitigate business risks. To address this issue, we have implicitly ensured that our migration and deployment strategy includes enterprise cybersecurity solutions to enhance security, compliance, and governance.
Redington helps customers address their current challenges in on-premises via a well-defined process, starting from discovery, assessment, design, migrate, as well as a manage model
Embracing Industrial IoT gives a strategic priority for manufacturing companies to deliver value to the customers and cost-efficiency for internal operations. How do you think Redington is serving to the demands of Industrial IoT sector applications?
While understanding the need of the hour in the manufacturing center, we found that improving efficiency, monitoring floor activities and optimizing day to day operations, were hampering the sector. To address this challenge, we have introduced a Manufacturing Analytical Platform in collaboration with our partner network on the AWS platform. This is a one-stop ready-made analytics solution for the manufacturing sector to address relevant use cases through seamless dashboards and acquire advanced analytics using AI/ML to drive improvements on the shop floor. Moreover, the platform provides visibility to shop floor activities in real-time that improves the OEE of the plant. Hence, it provides a perfect solution for
manufacturing giants to increase profits, cut down spends and optimize day-to-day operations.
Share a success story of your organization.
Redington has successfully completed 350+ Cloud Migrations, launched 10,000+ VMs, and dealt with 100+ Enterprise Workloads such as DC migration, SAP workloads, home grown ERP’s, BigData and IoT based applications. A leading multi-specialty hospital based out of Chennai had its on-premises infra running in frequent outages and failures, leading to a significant loss in business productivity. Redington carried out a thorough assessment of the hospital’s on-premises data center, studied the environment clearly and prepared a detailed inventory list. We effectively used advanced security tools, AI-based intelligent monitoring tools and audit services by leveraging AWS services to secure the migration of both the application and the data. By moving to the cloud, operation tasks of monitoring and log analysis and backing up of the data have been automated to reduce repetitive tasks. As part of backup strategy, enterprise grade backup, restore, and archive tools were used to implement their storage requirement which helped them achieve a near 60 percent cost savings vis-à-vis on premise backup. Additionally, the availability and durability of the backed-up data also increased multi-fold with an SLA of 99.999 percent.
What is the road map that has been conceived for Redington in the future?
We are investing in new-age technologies like Serverless solutions, Big Data, ML, AI, and IoT to help enterprises drive innovation in business and adopt these technologies as part of the digital transformation journey. Being a PAN-India organization, we are enabling AWS cloud penetration in Tier-2, Tier-3 & Tier-N cities through our RMCS (Redington Managed Cloud Solution) offerings. Redington Cloud is also planning to launch a virtual summit, which will also consist of Keynotes, panel discussion with expert, technology booth and Demo station for customers to experience cloud first-hand.