SecureIDapp: Making Security Grandma Simple | CIOInsider Vendor
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SecureIDapp: Making Security Grandma Simple

Amit Gauba, CEO

Classical Authentication methods are weak, since 'username' & 'password' pair is the only security factor. And the way websites or applications are implemented, makes them even more vulnerable to hacking & breaches. Modern authentication evolution is moving towards biometric based password less, 2-factor authentication or even Multifactor authentication. But can security be simple?

In conversation with Amit Gauba, CEO, SecureIDapp

Tell us SecureIDapp’s story. What pain points has your organization been addressing over the years?
Our achievement is that your phone is now your smart & secure key to all Digital Life. We thought how to make best of breed security accessible to every one, not just a top few should use strong security expertise. Another in the field need was to simplify the long process of password protection & verification processes. We knew that the user experience must be soft in tone and we must make it 'grandma simple'.

So, while SecureIDapp must make your digital life super secure, it must also be extremely simple to use, to administer & rollout. All around us, there are digital systems, whether they are for B2B, merchants, enterprises, or individuals’ transactions. Stats are high lighting that today there are 18-to-43 digital accounts & identities for a typical user and monthly it's more like dozens & dozens of logins,digital approvals, verifications, for each one of us.

Thus, another design cornerstone for us was that integration should be done within minutes or hours. Even for really complex systems, the user roll out must be a few days. This is because a hundred man months projects and large integration projects fail, more often than not. These problems are the

motivations that got us started and here we are now, having solved these problems and bringing it to the world. Our team was participating in creating digital transformation for Sweden and other countries in Europe. We experienced at first hand and examined indepth regulatory specifications and consulted departments & experts on how to take Sweden banking and government processes to e-governance and digital transformation.

SecureIDapp solves two factor authentication, multifactor authentication, and single sign-on

Understanding the individual security requirements, evaluating a solution and implementing that without losing a lot of time is no easy feat. How does SecureIDapp have the upper hand in such situations and how do you keep up with the market requisites?
We have spent a lot of time in researching and implementing methodologies and processes that enable this. Our deep understanding and experience have helped us realworld security & digital automation problems. SecureIDapp is probably the only solution in the market that can thwart MITM attacks and that too from end-2-end. All anyone needs is an app. A known solution is a U2F hardware, which works only on desktops & browsers.

Another differentiation is from a users’ perspective, our grandma simple UI/UX enables even the senior citizens(silver age), users, to use digital technology with ease. So, digital adoption, user onboarding, user verification, user approvals are possible for all CRM, Sales and Alliance scenarios.

User roll out is possible within hours. Even the most complex organizations, technologies, and processes are also 2-3 weeks. We have pre-integrated with 100s of applications in the B2B and merchant space.

Brief us about your multifactor authentication services provided to the customers in this changing phase of time. Also tell us how SecureIDapp goes beyond expectations in availing exceptional security products.
SecureIDapp solves two factor authentication, multifactor

authentication, and single sign-on. This also supports eVerification, eKYC, eApprovals, identity with eSignature (with digital certificates support)and that too in realtime. All this allows internal customers or external customers, which is employees, partners or consumers, who could be can be logging in or identifying themselves to the business, in a secure way. All with a simple ‘Yes’or‘No’ response, with Push authentication, Password less, and biometric usage based, very simple user experience suitable for 13 yrs old to 75 years old. Secure IDapp SSO (Single sign on)for B2B is a great fit for this scenario, e.g. you log in through your PC or Mac, you can access your logins VPNs, MS Office365, Google’s GSuite, Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, Gitlabs, slack and 100s others in enterprise and personal applications landscape. Like using a smartcard identity everywhere. The IT admins can keep track of every transaction, and through simple configurable rules, prevent fraud and enable adaptive, contextual multifactor authentication, depending on user’s locations, IPs, and even transactions data(e.g money amount from within a transaction)or use contextual AI/ML learning feature. The core is built with PKI with top grade encryption (2048 & upwards in Asymmetric, and 256-bit or 512-bit in symmetric keys), without of the box connectors for blockchain systems.

Apparently, SecureIDapp has a lot on the plate for the clients. What are your plans for the future of SecureIDapp?
In Nordics and UAE, our offerings towards users in B2B space is underway through licensing, Pilots and Betatrials with 120 corporates. An interesting partnership with Paris HQ’d a brand with a presence in 93 countries is beginning. Besides Corporates, these offerings are applicable for a variety of businesses like internet eCommerce, Telcos, Banks, merchants, cloud companies, datacenters.

Besides B2B, there are offerings direct for consumers that bring 2FA support for countless applications. This is through TOTP and Password manager offering, and MacLock, LinuxLock offerings. This allows any user to stay secure while accessing websites or applications. We have already gone beyond that with an ability to prevent a phishing attack and protect from Man in the middle and man in the browser attacks, in realtime.

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