| |May 20188ight from the emergence of or-ganized indus-trial structure, importance of di-versity has been a point of discussion across the board rooms. In the last decade, gender diversity has scaled as `Diversity and Inclusion', which emphasized the importance of diversified workforce within the organization. Currently, the evo-lution of Diversity has led to the `Digital pulse' phase, disrupting every industry across the globe. Digital Evolution has trans-formed the industry from a man-ual informatics to an IoT analyt-ics based magical mirror We all started with manual data entry captured in physical registry process and writing letters through postal system. These were converted into various digital media I will refer to this phase as "Yesterday done, Continuing today".The next phase of evolution impacting the workforces across all industries is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) This has made significant impact in the past few years and continues to disrupt the entire Business Process Manage-ment industry, influencing core manufacturing, IT services and other core sectors. Let me coin this phase as "Disruption today, Convergence tomorrow".The most sought out crux of discussion across board rooms currently is the adoption of `Machine learning aligned Artificial intelligence'. We will notice every organization aligning significant budget toward AI initiatives in the coming years. Today we have Alexa, Cortana, Amelia, Siri etc. In the future, we expect more customized AI systems to be on rise used across all industries. Let's call this "Cognitive Intelligence for Smart tomorrow".The future phase of Digital lies in the convergence of Devices & Dig-ital into a `Connected Cognitive Mesh', where all isolated technol-ogies, RPA, Smart analytics sys-tems, Machine learning, IoT and Digital platforms will converge focusing on better customer expe-rience and driving the `Zero dis-tance to customer' strategy. This phase can be referred as `Future uprising, today'.Now, digital transformation in the corporate is tantamount to a revolution. It has become a mandate for executives to bring in `Digital Diversity' to drive their organization's strategy and success. What is Digital DIGITAL DIVERSITY CONVERGENCE OF MINDS AND MACHINESBy Kewyn George, Director - Business Performance, AstraZenecaKewyn George is a Digital Futurist, Strategic leader and Management Consultant with over 15 years of experience in Management consulting, Business Enablement, IT Advisory & Strategy, Risk management, Digital Transformation & Program management.Rexpert opinion
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