| |May 20189Diversity? It's simply forming the organizational structure with a mix of human and cognitive agents. According to Gartner, `Robo-boss' will supervise over 3 million workers globally by 2018 (Gartner Newsroom, 2015). Though alarming, this indicates the roadmap of change. For instance, in the scenario of performance management; monitored by robots, perception will cease to play any role. Therefore, the most common complaint regarding prevalent of biasness will cease leading to a constructive and goal driven approach with clear outcomes.With all the advancements in automation, digital touch will be apparent up to the top hierarchical levels in the organizational pyramid. Digital diversity demands an Inverted pyramid structure across organizations. When customer experience is the paramount factor for consistent growth of the organization, `7' will be the `Driving force' & Value generator of the organization and top management will act as an `Enabler', leading and supporting from behind. The alarming indication in the inverted pyramid is the possibility of the Middle management layer completely merging with the `Value generator' category, thus bringing a significant shift in today's modus operandi and disrupting the overall Line management layer. 7 key parameter's enabling a factor `7' in the organiza-tion is a mere coincidence.1. The CEO of the organization `believes' digital diversification is key for growth and building a sustainable organization.2. Once the belief has been cas-caded down, build a purpose-ful business case and execute at appropriate time.3. Digital Ecosystem: Conver-gence of IT systems, Assets/things, Intelligence and user ex-perience derives a better customer value proposition. 4. Form a team to drive the belief across the organization, without disrupting the organizational en-vironment. Digital talent should comprise of a firm believer, a change agent, a Digital passion-ate, an architect, contributors and the sponsor who will drive the ROI. 5. Approach and areas of focus to employ the digital workforce. While the speed of execution is essential for success, it is import-ant to identify the right use case for deploying Cognitive agents. 6. Digital Risk, Security & Gov-ernance: The paramount factor for having scalable & sustain-able Digital journey. Governance around cognitive agents and other security factors should be taken care of during the imple-mentation and maintenance of intelligent systems. 7. Creating a Digital Culture to sustain and scale up the bold am-bition is most important. This re-quires investment of time and ef-fort by the work force to instill the culture across the organization. The pressing question now, "What is the percent of Digital work-force for any organization?" I believe the range will be about 10 30 percent in the next three to five years expanding to about 50 percent by 2025. Imagine a situation with 5 dif-ferent `Virtual Robots' is perform-ing your tasks in multiple loca-tions simultaneously. This is the futuristic outlook; someone might already be doing it while you're reading this. We foresee unthinkable, unimaginable things converting into reality in our lifetime. GOVERNANCE AROUND COGNITIVE AGENTS AND OTHER SECURITY FACTORS SHOULD BE TAKEN CARE OF DURING THE IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMSKewyn George
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