| |NOVEMBER 20229The use of quantum cryptography now will not only provide immediate protection for your data, but also secures high-quality data and ensures that data with long shelf life is protected against future attackspose a practical threat to symmetric cryptography and asymmetric cryptography at least for some years. The reason being the quantum behavior of subatomic particles qubits still do not remain sta-ble for long enough. The `Shor Algorithm' used by a quantum computer with enough stable qubits to break through today's public-key cryptography still have some time, so there is no risk at least for now. However, the asymmetry of cryptography like RSA on which we rely today could be broken by the quan-tum computers. Also called `quantum-resistant' or `post-quan-tum', the next generation of cryptography is de-signed to withstand quantum computers are being developed in collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the US. We will have to look at the post-quantum cryptography al-gorithm, which claims to be able to protect data even from the capabilities of quantum computers, called quantum attack. This type of mechanism is called quantum secure cryptography. The use of quantum cryptography now will not only provide immediate protection for your data, but also secures high-quality data and ensures that data with long shelf life is protected against future attacks. It is important that a protocol with informa-tion-theoretical security means that security is not based on arithmetical assumptions and remains se-cure. In addition, the key management systems and protocols used are also inherently protected against attacks by quantum computers. Faced with this looming threat, IT decision-mak-ers should consider post-quantum cryptography, where a secure attack by a quantum computer would take place in the critical IT systems tomorrow. To-day's public key cryptography has proven to be safe from mathematical attacks, but not from quantum computers. The good side is, harnessing quantum computing and AI, it's going to bring very exciting opportunities in almost every field and industry. With the massive parallelism that quantum comput-ing brings to the table, combined with the cognitive element of AI, many possibilities to solve critical problems that we used to dismiss as unsolvable till now.
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